February 04, 2020

Caring Too Much

Those that know me or think they know me always assume I have this hard exterior. I'm blunt and I come across as aggressive or even mean. I've always seen myself as strong, passionate, honest and empowered, but I know most people don't see it that way. I come across like I just don't care. I don't care about anyone, but me and my people and that I don't care what people think of me. Of course most of that couldn't be farther from the truth, but some of it I've been told it for so long that I believed it and just rolled with it. However, I've changed a lot in the last couple years. A LOT!
Although I am still strong, passionate, honest and empowered. I also have become a lot more sensitive. I've, for the past two years, chalked it up to being pregnant and my hormones all out of wack, but I'm not pregnant any more.... 

I may come across like I don't care, but in fact it's the complete opposite. I care too much. I used to think I just got annoyed with people easily. My husband tells me I stress too much over other people's circumstances that are out of my control. It's not annoyance though and I'm not stressed. I'm hurting. I think about people often. Especially those not living for God anymore. Those who are hurting or those living with the consequences of their mistakes. I lay awake at night contemplating what I could say to you to help you and show you God's love. Most nights I realize there are no words, my words will just fall short, so instead I just pray. With tears rolling down my face I pray. 
Many say I am blunt, but to me I am merely honest to a fault. I've learned to stay quiet when needed, but if we are close I will be brutely honest with you. Not because I think your stupid or do not care about your feelings, but rather because I care so deeply. I refuse to stay silent if something needs to be said. But as I mentioned I've learned to keep my mouth shut when needed. I've learned this with my own family that sometimes words will only do more damage then good. So I learned at a young age sometimes all you can do is pray. So I do. I pray for you every day! I don't say this to toot my horn. Believe me I am in as much disbelief as you are, but in those prayers God revealed to me that I'm not crazy lol  I am just sensitive to people's hurt so that I can pray for them. I don't have all the answers myself. I don't claim to have my life together. I certainly have hurts of my own, but just know I pray for you and if you need a nonjudgmental shoulder to cry or confide in I am here. I may not have the best advice, but I will do what I can and if nothing else I will pray! 
I love you deeply. You know who are. 

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