March 22, 2011


Two guys went fishing. Every time the one guy would catch something bigger then 6 inches he threw it back. He did this numerous times. Finally the other guy couldn’t take it any more he asked him why he kept throwing back those perfectly good fish. The guy replied, my fish fryer is only 6 inches long. IT’S TIME TO GET A BIGGER FISH FRYER.

I went to Chicago this past week. It didn't go as planned, but it turned out better then I could have imagined. The church I went to while I was there, Bro Barron's, was just out of this world. So on fire, so phenomanal and just what I needed. I was able to go 3 times and each time I recieved something from God. He was just so evident there.

I mean this church I can't even begin to desribe the power of God that is there. I could go on and on for hours. The people just didn't hold back. They worshiped and worshiped and worshiped some more with all that was withen them. The best part is this church consisted of less then 30 people and 2 of the 3 services were held in the Pastor's living room. Got to love home mission churches.

If a church of around 20 people can worship like that what's stopping us .Why do we put our worship in a box? Don’t jump too high, don’t clap too loud, or don’t raise your arms to high. It’s time to upgrade our fryers to some bigger and better ones. No more standing in then back or waiting for the right time, no more “conservative worship”!


I’m sorry but what in the world is conservative worship. Since when did God say he wanted only a little worship, or only the bare minimal. No, his word clearly states in Psamls 66 - MAKE A JOYFUL NOISE and in Psalms 81- SING ALOUD UNTO GOD and in Psalms 47- CLAP YOU HANDS and SHOUT UNTO GOD WITH A VOICE OF TRIUPH and in Psalms 150 - The bible tells us to PRAISE HIM WITH TIMBREL and DANCE!!!!!!!

There are times where quiet prayer is necessary. I understand that and I love those sincere, precious moments with God, but we tend to forget that there is also a time of rejoicing, and dancing. We have to stop caring what the person next to us thinks when we speak in tongues or if it’s cool or not to jump up and down. IT’S NOT ABOUT THEM OR US ….ITS ABOUT GOD!!!!!!

I’m praying for revival, some good ole’ Pentecostal revival. TONGUE TALKING, HOLY ROLLIN REVIVAL!!!!!!! Its time for apostolic young people to remember who they are and what they are to be. We are a chosen generation. Sing and dance like David sang and danced. He was a man after God’s own heart…hmmmm I wonder why! Maybe its because he worshiped Him day and night…REGARDLESS!!!

It’s time for hunger, Its time for boldness, its time to break free from that thing holding you back from completely letting loose for God, that thing keeping you from giving your all. ITS TIME FOR DESPERATION<3

With Love,
