April 21, 2015

Why I am Pentecostal

I recently moved to Arkansas and it has very evidently come to my attention that there are a ton of Christians here. Many of which are Pentecostal, which is awesome. There are also a lot of Church of God people, which I have nothing against, but every time I run into one, which tends to happen more often then you would think, they all seem to question why I would go to one of them Pentecostal churches. They then begin to explain that they believe everything we do minus the standards, which they seem to have strong feelings against. In these situations I'm always drawn a blank even though I know exactly what to say. So here is my refute to that argument.

I've been to both Pentecostal churches and a Church of God. For about a year or so I attended this "Church of God" Church, which at the time I loved. They believed everything my old church believed. Acts 2:38 Repent, be baptized in Jesus Name, and receiving the Holy Ghost, speaking in tongues, miracles and healings, they even worshiped sorta like we do.

Why I say sorta?...

Well after going to that church for about a year I had an opportunity to go to my grandparents church, a Pentecostal church and my life was forever changed.

That whole year I thought I had it all figured out. I was certain I was getting everything I needed and I was living in truth and living righteously, but little did I know what I was missing out on.

Now I'm not saying its necessarily because of us women wearing skirts and not cutting our hair, but there is something to that. That day it came to my realization that there is something amazing going on at those Pentecostal churches. Genuine worship, miracles, and a presence of God so thick at times you can't do anything but just fall to your knees and weep!
I never felt anything like that at any other church - and I know this from experience, so don't say "Its like that at my church." You are in denial or you've never set foot in a Pentecostal church.

The bible states in I Corinthians 11:15 that a woman's hair is her glory and in that same chapter it says we have power with the angels because of our hair. Something tells me that's not just a coincidence. Have you ever heard a Pentecostal woman pray? My grandma is a praying woman and its beautiful. I honestly believe as a woman we have a special place in God's heart. The relationship between God and a Godly, holy woman is a force to be reckon with.

On to the skirts. There is a scripture in Deuteronomy the 22nd chapter that talks about woman wearing what pertaineth to a woman and men wear what pertaineth to a man. Now I always get the argument that one, its Old Testament and two, someone always likes to point out that their jeans are from the women's section...

In regards to the Old Testament argument - The Bible stands true... Regardless of when it was written. The only reason we don't follow some things from the Old Testament is because Jesus came and made a way for us. The rest of it stands true today. The Ten Commandments are in Exodus- should we not follow them because they too are in the Old Testament? Case Closed.

In regards to the argument, "My jeans are from the women's section" - I'm going to be blunt and painfully honest so please (if your Pentecostal) don't be offended. The Bible does not read in black and white "Women should wear skirts" basically because they didn't wear those in bible times- they all wore robes. Nevertheless I still believe it is essential and here is why. One, ever see a bathroom stall with the girls symbol wearing pants? No, because that is distinctly women's clothing and if someone is wearing one it is safe to say they are a woman. Two, they are modest if worn correctly. Granted that's not always the case, but that is another blog for another day. Thirdly, I was once given this analogy that has really helped be better understand holiness. Say you have this treasure and you lock it away in a chest inside your house, which also is fenced in a locked gate. All of that seems like reasonable methods of keeping your treasure safe, right? Now say this is your walk with God. Your treasure being your Holy Ghost, which you have tucked away in your heart (the chest), which is in your house (Spirituality-living a Godly lifestyle, making right choices, etc.) The locked gate and fence that surrounds your house is standards (also know as - Holiness). Standards may not be a necessity for salvation, but it does help keep your salvation. Lastly and my favorite reason for standards is everywhere I go without ever saying a word I am a light to this dark world. The Bible says multiple times that our purpose and mission is to tell the world of His greatness. What better way to share that I have something different than what this world has to offer than by dressing in such a way that without even saying a word I can step into a room and people will automatically know there is something different about that girl. Most Christians these days you can't tell them apart form the rest of the world and unless they tell you, you'd never know, but not for us crazy Pentecostal people. We may stick out like sore thumbs, and it may seem "unnecessary" but there is not a day that goes by that I'm not asked " Hey, are you Pentecostal", which is the perfect opportunity to share Gods wonderful word!

That my friends is why I am Pentecostal.


  1. The verses in Deuteronomy are in reference to transvestite. It refers more to how you conduct yourself by acting like your gender. Also, if you were to look up the type of garments worn then, the women's and men's clothing were exactly the same.

    In the New Testament, Paul is referring to modesty and good behavior more than the type of garment. The issues in the church at that time were of people dressing to show off their wealth or be lustrous.

    Lastly, you are correct in saying that Jesus came to save us and to abolish the law. "But now, by dying to what once bound us, we have been released from the law so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit, and not in the old way of the written code" (Romans 7:6).

    I agree with you on the standard of hair, but the clothing is more cultural based.

    1. To the individual who wrote to dispute her claims. I agree we serve in a new way of the Spirit. However, the expectation of Spiritual things are a lot higher than the Levitical law. For if you even look upon a woman with lust you've created adultery in your heart. Matthew 5:28.. Why give a law for a select group of people? You are not correct in saying it only reffers to transv. This law is foreveryone. Exactly the way it states. Infact if we want to take it to the spirit and heart of the matter Id say if you would even consider wearing anything that looks (pertains) like a man or a woman you have committed an abomination. My people perish for a lack of Knowledge. You can still perish for a lack of knowledge. So pants are to identify a male. Skirt to identify a woman. What the scripture is saying is that you shouldnt wear something that looks even close to the oppisite sex

    2. I am speaking from experience when I say....be careful when you try to be specific about a general Biblical statement. You are opening up a can of worms.. If you believe that the Bible is instructing us not to wear ANYTHING that looks close to the opposite sex you have to consider women wearing blazers, shirts with pockets, gym shoes, etc. Or men in Scotland who wear kilts. The list can go on.

      The best response is "search your heart and let God guide you on your attire. If He doesn't want you to wear it, He will let you know!

      Food for thought/discussion...I am a trauma nurse who formerly wore skirts to work. I say formerly because I believe modestly first and for most. In my profession, there are times when skirts are NOT modest. One time I had to " code" my patient in an elevator. I had to crawl up and straddle my patient on the stretcher to do compressions. Thankfully my efforts helped save the life of my patient, but my hindquarters were in full view of all the people who came to assist. Definitely not most most modest moment. From that day, I wore scrub pants to work. Before someone comments....long full skirts are not allowed per dress code.

      I was told by many to quit my job, but I know God placed me there and is working through me every day. My question to whomever is still with me, should Pentecostal women not be trauma nurses, astronauts, bee keepers, or any other profession where wearing a skirt is not practical or modest?

    3. I am speaking from experience when I say....be careful when you try to be specific about a general Biblical statement. You are opening up a can of worms.. If you believe that the Bible is instructing us not to wear ANYTHING that looks close to the opposite sex you have to consider women wearing blazers, shirts with pockets, gym shoes, etc. Or men in Scotland who wear kilts. The list can go on.

      The best response is "search your heart and let God guide you on your attire. If He doesn't want you to wear it, He will let you know!

      Food for thought/discussion...I am a trauma nurse who formerly wore skirts to work. I say formerly because I believe modestly first and for most. In my profession, there are times when skirts are NOT modest. One time I had to " code" my patient in an elevator. I had to crawl up and straddle my patient on the stretcher to do compressions. Thankfully my efforts helped save the life of my patient, but my hindquarters were in full view of all the people who came to assist. Definitely not most most modest moment. From that day, I wore scrub pants to work. Before someone comments....long full skirts are not allowed per dress code.

      I was told by many to quit my job, but I know God placed me there and is working through me every day. My question to whomever is still with me, should Pentecostal women not be trauma nurses, astronauts, bee keepers, or any other profession where wearing a skirt is not practical or modest?

    4. I think it's something you have to work out between you and God. Like I said wearing a skirt isn't a heaven or hell issue so if you are comfortable with it then that is fine and like I said between you and God. I do know of ppl who quit or didn't take a job bc of them having to compromise their beliefs and God rewarded them for doing so, but once again that's between you and God.

    5. I grew up in UPC, in upstate NY. I left because of a lot of hypocrisy. Many of the churches who used to preach standards now allow for jeans/pants to be worn by women. Things that were so heavily preached about are now okay. I now attend a Spirit-filled Southern Baptist church, and incouldbnever be happier.

  2. People know your a christian by your actions not by

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  3. The bible has no proof for how the Pentecostal ppeople believe. I. Was born into the Pentecostal faith and I don't want that life style. Jesus does not require rattling claiming to be speaking in tongues, jumping around saying shouting, running in church to have the holy spirit inside your heart. You Pentecostal want to be seen. You are a fake and a mockery. You only go by acts 2:38 and peter said that not Jesus. Jesus said in matthew be baptized in the father the son and the holy spirit. You people stick your nose in the air you think you are better than anyone else. You would not help a stranger if they knocked on your door. You can not pay tithes and swing through the pearly gates. Jesus wants loss souls and thats why he died on the cross. I was healed on calvery.

    1. I'm sorry you feel that way. Clearly you have had a bad experience, but the Pentecost I know is real and the people are real And good. Is everyone? Sadly no, but If I based my religion off people I would be gone. I definitly do have scripture for what we believe, but I also have a scripture that says don't cast your pearl before the swine basically meaning pick and choose your battle some people it's not worth it. So once again I'm sorry you feel that way I wish I could change your mind but I'm sure I can't.

    2. Your right about what it says i matthew. But you left out something, it says be baptised in NAME (singular) of the father and of the spirit and of the holy ghost. I ask you what that NAME (singular) is? It's Jesus.

    3. Anonymous im sorry you are so angry & bitter. I pray you will one day learn to forgive otherwise its going to take you straight to hell.

    4. See I have a problem with that. This is why I left the Pentecostal church. You guys are so quick to tell everybody else that they are going to hell. Who are you to discredit someone else's relationship with God? I've been to many youth conventions and I can tell you it's nothing but a mere fashion show. I thought Christians were supposed to be humble.I believe modesty includes not drawing attention to your outfit andyour hair just as much as it is not showing your breasts and your backside. So yes, I see a lot of hypocricy in your denomination.maybe you should use all the money that you spend on hair and outfits for a better cause, like feeding the hungry, helping the poor, and helping the sick. You know, kind a like that guy you're supposed to be following dead.

    5. ** did---autocorrect

    6. I can only speak for myself and my church when I say that we are not a rich church. My Pastor began our church from nothing, a classroom. Now the Lord has gave and we give back. I help people whenever I can and so does the rest of my church. I was not raised Pentecostal, nor was any of my family. I came to be the way I am simply by God. I felt the power of the Holy Ghost, like I never had in my entire life. I visited other churches and never have I seen or felt what I did when I stepped in a Pentecostal church. There may be some people who aren't living right in your experience, but the truth is the truth. After the scriptures and a whole lot of prayer, God told me that this is truth. Never leave a place because of the people. We worship and shout because God is good, but we also do it at home too when no one is watching. My church receives visitors and grows constantly, because we outreach. Maybe you went to a bad church. I'm not a person to lie to myself. I would not stay in any church if it wasn't for God. I didn't come from a religious background to even know I had to. I didn't do anything just because someone told me and often my family argues why I changed my lifestyle. You won't find anything greater in any other church, because its truth and truth can not be beat.

    7. Just don't automatically send people to hell because they don't agree with you. It's hypocritical and blatantly against the word of God. You have no right to tell somebody else they're going to hell

    8. Secondly, it's the truth as you see it. Just because somebody sees truth differently than you does not make them wrong. This is the problem I have with UPCI....they think they are the only right people in the world and I guarantee you they are not.hair and skirts do not make you a Christian anymore than wearing scrubs makes me a doctor. It's how you live your life every day. It's how you treat others. Just because you look the part doesn't make it real. Rant over....

    9. would like to address the person with the negative experience. You are SOOO right about the fashion show and a lot of other things. It took me "digging' thru the junk to find the absolutely wonderful experience of the Aposolic Holiness approach. I dedicate my approach to God and Him alone. I'm thankful I kept searching thru the shallow water to find that deep well that can spring from a sincere committment thru this approach. Such a blessing it has been...but I truly believe I was able to do this becuase I only came to this belief at a latter age (37). So, I did not grow up in the fasion show...I truly found the love of this approach thru my search and dedication.

  4. Ally, I admire your conviction and your boldness regarding your spiritual walk. To be honest, the whole blog just, well, made me sad. I've had more "Pentecostal" saints throw stones at me than I have worldly, secular, atheist, non-Christians. How so very discouraging for every person. I was raised "Church of God" and honestly, it hurts to hear someone throwing "Church of God" under the bus this way. I agree, there is a difference between a "good person" and a Christian. However, that is not your place to claim. I realize you are going straight by your interpretation of scripture but while your skirt is long and your hair is uncut your judgement is not righteous, nor is it your place to lay such judgement. Your statement regarding skirts that read “is distinctly women's clothing and if someone is wearing one it is safe to say they are a woman.” I’m sorry, but again here, I disagree. I have met more “Queens” than I ever would have preferred and many would leave even the most calculated observers unsure. I agree, the outer appearance does announce your stand with God, however, the perfectly polished stone you throw says otherwise, unfortunately. I’m not trying to justify the way I choose to live any more than you are justifying the way you live. You can’t point a finger at someone with rebuke and not expect them to stand up for themselves, now can you? I mean, isn’t your entire blog doing just that for yourself in explaining your beliefs, thoughts, convictions? How is that any different from what I’m saying here? I am a Pentecostal Christian. I’m a saved, sanctified, Holy Ghost filled daughter of the King who accepted Jesus Christ at the age of 11. (A statement, you likely disagree with.) I wear pants, makeup, jewelry, my hair has been cut, and on occasion, I sin . What can I say? The cake was especially good and although I’d already eaten until satisfied, I had two more slices. I then repent, pray, seek God, ask forgiveness and he grants it and I’m thankful. I guess what I’m mainly trying to say is, perhaps your energy as a Pentecostal Christian would be more beneficial to the kingdom if you spent less time on the clothes line and more time reaching out to victims of domestic violence, or children who are abused, or campaigning for the Christians who were drug out of their classrooms in Africa and killed because they refused to deny God. Oh wait, I forgot, to you, they are not Christians. Is this why you spend your time justifying your skirt? Perhaps. Although I don’t pretend to comprehend the mysterious mind of God, I wonder which grieved him more; seeing what happened to his children in Africa just a few weeks ago, or the pants I wore to work today.

    1. I never said you weren't Christian. I said you can't tell your Christian. I also said I had nothing against church of God saints. All I did was explain why I believe what I believe. I never judged. I clearly just stated what the Bible says and why I believe what I believe. I didn't even talk about salvation or being a Christian or not. I'm sorry you took it that way but thay was not my intention.

    2. Jesus Christ is not your Credit card for sin. He told the woman. GO and SIN NO MORE! He did it out of love and yet he spoke the Truth in love, No stone was thrown. The truth was spoken and all you can do is refute by saying dont judge me. Your verbalized religious smoke... According to the Fruit "Church of God" as She was saying there fruit is what makes it what it is. If you recieve a wond eventually you will have a scar. My point is. The Church of God and Christ has fruit. However, It just wasnt enough for Ally.

    3. I grew up Pentecostal and abided by the standards that are written above until I joined the Army a few years back. While before I joined Iwould've agreed 100% with this article in its entirety, I will say that Natalie Pulley does make some good points. When we deploy it feels like we are surrpunded by negativity and death. That being said I will tell you that some of the most intense worship services I've EVER been to have been in that deployment setting. Was it a Pentecostal service? No. Was it a Church of God service? No it was a bunch of soldiers desperately seeking God's understanding and peace. God's love is what matters not which church you go to. I think that your article was beautifully written. It is admirable to stand up for your beliefs and believe me I've done the same thing prior to joining the military. However Natilie is right in asking which you God grieve over more? A pair of pants or the persecution of Christians all around the world. I think we can all agree which should upset us more. The world has such bigger issues.

  5. Awesome!!!!!! I am PENTECOSTAL!!!!!!

  6. Dear Anyonymous from April 22 @3:55 pm.

    You are wrong. The Encyclopedia Britannica Edition 11 pages 356-366 volume 3 states that the baptismal formula was changed from the Name of Jesus to the words, father son and holy spirit by the catholic church. Also volume 3 page 82 of the Encyclopedia Britannica says that the baptism by the first church was in the name of Jesus. Also the catholic encyclopedia from 1913 volume 2 page 263 and 365 states that catholic church confirms that they changed it from the Name of Jesus the the name of the father, son and Holy ghost.

  7. Love your blog. Nothing more beautiful then a women with long hair and dressing modestly. Women through out history has always wore dresses, only in the 50's did women start wearing pants and it was considered a rebellious act when it started. Thanllk you for sharing your testimony and you did it so well...

  8. its is a sad world when explaining your beliefs is continuously labeled as "judgement" The Word judges us and speaking a testimony of God's grace and mercy in our lives is just that, speaking a word of testimony. After all, we overcome by the word of our testimony and Satan even tries to discourage that for fear that someone will be offended.


  9. I claim the Pentecostal Faith (noun) not religion. I religiously brush my teeth. My faith (verb) has allowed me to achieve and enjoy a sublime relationship with Jesus. The Pentecostal Faith allows me to dance before The Lord like David did. I clap my hands, and shout unto God with the voice of triumph. I worship where we can make sounds with musical instruments that pleases my Lord. I raise my hands and worship freely to The Lord of Lords. The Pentecostal Church allows me to worship in a way that I believe pleases Jesus and myself. I have never felt His presence in any other church (not to say others cannot) like I do in my present church. My church is: Jesus as The chief cornerstone with His Word as our stronghold and the book of Acts as our base. I live - Jesus first then my spouse, children, family and my church …. All denominations have certain rules or standards which are in place to maintain a certain order - none of which gets us to heaven. What would our jobs be like if we didn't have rules- standards? Imagine our schools without rules/ standards. How about our busy highways with no signal lights or stop signs, yes rules and standards for the achievement of order. I don't judge any other religion/faith. I do not argue my beliefs against yours nor do I cast my convictions onto anyone - but I do know that I am right where I need to be - Pentecostal proud. I have no doubt that my name is written in The Book of Life, not simply because of what I believe but because of obeying His Word and "keeping the faith". Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble. -James 2:19. I certainly don't give credit to satan - he knows what it is to lose The Crown of Life and we too can lose our crowns if we choose to leave Jesus.
    Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace. -Galatians 5:4 it is presumptions for the flesh to take the easy way out (just believe and the rest will come) but if I choose to do what I want to do then I would be trying to rewrite the bible to fit my selfish needs. Jesus said if you love me you will keep my commandments we must strive to do so (repent when you falter). You can fool man but you cannot fool Jesus. If He is not Lord of all, then He is not Lord at all! God does not want earthly kings to rule us - including ourselves. He is King IF we choose him and obey Him and His Word and repent daily because our flesh will fail us! That thou keep this commandment without spot, unrebukeable, until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ: -1 Timothy 6:14
    Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses. -1 Timothy 6:12

    And skirts/dresses for women - also does not get you to heaven, however, I concur with this writer on her stance of clothing and I add that it too is a sacrifice that is surely pleasing to the Lord.
    But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light: -1 Peter 2:9

  10. Ally, will you marry me?

    1. Lol already married sorry bro !

    2. Well just thought I'd ask. Anyways great post lol.

  11. Ally, beautifully written. God Bless...

  12. I am just a nondenominational christian myself but I enjoyed reading from your perspective. We are all Gods children even if we carry different standards for ourselves.

  13. Scripture is for the times of the person reading it in their current time. Hence, they all wore robes when it was written about men and women.. Jeans didn't even exist yet. So if you're going based on that then it's not even modest for men to be wearing jeans either. They should all be wearing dresses (or robes.) When apostolic doctrine was written by men it was a time in culture that women wore skirts and dresses. But that has changed in our culture. Just like it has changed from men no longer wearing robes. You can't have both.

    1. Proud Apostolic LadyApril 25, 2015 at 11:08 AM

      Sorry... but you're so wrong. The Bible speaks several times of breeches & we all know what that is... & EVERY SINGLE TIME they are worn by MEN! Also the robes were completely different. Do some more research because you can't have both either.

  14. "Pentecostal," is a term that refers to a wide variety of evangelical Christians and has more to do with the conversion experience than "standards" or even "Oneness." Traditionally, including tongues as an essential part of salvation makes one a Pentecostal. I suspect that you attend a church that is associated with the UPCI, which is one organization within a broad group of Christians that identifies as "Pentecostal."

  15. Yes. Everybody did wear robes back then. However, they had some type of distinction between a man's robe and a woman's robe. The scripture means the same exact thing today as it did back then because John 1:1 says that "In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word WAS God. " and in Hebrews 13:8 "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and to-day, yea and for ever." What I am trying to say is that God is not going to compromise his standards because of the way the WORLD'S culture has changed. Look at what happened with Sodom and Gomorrah! God destroyed their kingdom because of all the sin that was being committed. God did not compromise his standards back then for their "new culture" and he won't turn around and do it for us. The Bible also says that we are to deliver the truth to others IN LOVE so therefore we are not judging. We are delivering these words to y'all because we love y'all and we want y'all to go to Heaven with us. None of us are perfect. We all make mistakes and get out of hand. None of us are worthy of God's love yet he loved us and he expressed that love by dying for our sins so why can we not express our love for Him by being a living sacrificed and yield to the will of God? I'm going to leave you with these song lyrics but first if anybody has any questions and is truly sincere I will be glad to attempt to answer them and if I feel like I can't answer them to the best of my ability I will even ask my pastor or any other person in my church that I feel can answer it better than me so here's the song......
    A hundred years from now, we will all be gone 
    We won't argue then, who was right or wrong 
    We will all believe far beyond a doubt 
    Where will you be one hundred years from now?

    A hundred years from now, we won't be concerned 
    If we went without, what we had on earth 
    Only what we did with the Son of God 
    Where will you be one hundred years from now?

    You will be somewhere forever.
    There is a place for the lost and the found.
    Will you be with the Savior ?
    Will I see you one hundred years from now?

    A hundred years from now, it will be too late 
    To accept the Lord, we must choose today 
    Only God knows when the trump will sound 
    Where will you be one hundred years from now?

  16. Robes were distinct by sex of wearer

  17. What you failed to mention about 1 Corinthians 11:15 is that the passage was actually about head coverings. Which Paul concludes with in verse 16, "..the church has no such customs" and earlier in the chapter said to "judge for yourselves". While long hair and head dresses may bring a woman glory and honor, Christ's church does not demand it. It is to be decided within your own heart. Also, I read the entire chapter. I saw no reference to having "power with the Angels" anywhere. But perhaps you just used the wrong reference. And for you to say that Pentecostal women's prayers are somehow more beautiful than any other woman's prayer, is condescending in every way. I know numerous Godly women who cut there hair and keep it stylish and are the most amazing women of God I know. Prayerful, strong, faithful, and wise. So do not assume for one second your long hair somehow magically gets you closer to God. You're not Sampson, your hair has no special power. I promise. And as far as "women dressing in women's wear and men dressing in men's wear" I promise I can look like a complete lady in something other than a long skirt. And people will know I'm a woman. And as far as the Old Testament argument goes, if you're going to pick one verse out of there to use and say it still applies then make sure you're following all of them. For example, be sure to never eat pork or any other animal with a split hoof. Also, make sure the men don't cut their beards or get tattoos. Oh, and don't wear clothes that have two different kinds of fabrics woven together. And the list goes on and on. And lastly, and what I think is the most important, what you wear and how you look should not be what tells the world you're a Christian. Your actions, words, disposition, and love should be what the world sees in you that makes them realize something is different. Not the clothes you wear or how long your hair is.

    1. Proud Apostolic LadyApril 25, 2015 at 10:58 AM

      1corinthians 11:10. Apparently you didn't actually read it.
      It doesn't say it's not the custom of the church anywhere. It's speaking that if you are contentious... argumentative about it there's no other custom. Niv says it like this "if anyone wants to be contentious about this, we have no other practice-nor do the churches of God." Please read my personal post on here bc it explains more on the "abominations" which you speak. Abomination & law are totally different things.

  18. I don't know why everyone keeps pointing out that your actions are what make you a Christian. No duh! You obviously didn't read my blog bc I mentioned that, but all I'm talking about in this blog us why I do what I do. Do I do the other stuff, yes obviously thats just the 101 of being a Christian. I'm talking about just doing a little extra. Is it for everybody, no but it's what I wanna do. Are.you less of a Christian bc you don't, no! I never said that. And to the guy who said the upci thinks they're right and everybody else is wrong. No we just have truth and we want everyone to experience what we get to experience everyday bc it's so awesome. Sadly some do come across that way, and I apologize for those people, but this blog is not them so don't lash out on me.

  19. Also to the ladies who said there are more important things in the world. I agree %100. I just wrote this blog bc this is what's going on in my life. I didn't expect it to catch fire the way it did, but it obviously is for somebody and my God is omnipresent and onipotent so he care about the people in Africa and care about me and my measly little life all at the same time with just as much care and love, which is awesome don't you think!

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  21. Hi Ally I Loved your blog in its entire message i also attend a UPCI church and its thr greatest place ever i was not raised in church i didnt get saved untill i was 17 thank you for being bold for Christ... Do you any Social media i could connect with you..

    1. Yes I have a Facebook. I wasn't raised in it either. I don't want to post it on here though. If you go to my profile you can find a link on there.

  22. I believe it is important for us Oneness Apostolics not to base our salvation on how we dress but on the sacrifice Jesus made for us on the cross. If our church asks us no to wear pants we should be obedient but not judgmental to others understanding of Holy dress. However the Bible does say that we should dress in modest apparel . That means that even our dresses should not be provocative. The Bible teaches that we are to present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God which is our REASONABLE service. Be NOT conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind to prove what is good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Romans 12: 1 and 2.

  23. Ally, I'm sure you mean well but let me tell you...you have jumped right in to a big debate that you'll never win. I am a Oneness Apostolic, raised in a UPC church and Sis. Gwyn Oakes was my Sunday School teacher...I'm sure you know her if you are UPC.

    I have always felt that the church was way too hard on the women. I am 68 years old, raised on a Pentecostal pallet and know the "rules"...being on the platform (I have been church organist since I was 14 and can rock the Hammond B3...) however, the holiness standard has always ammused me. I do not think God cares about such trivial things. I believe modest dress is necessary but I do not believe women's slacks are a sin.

    You are obviously young and have a lot to learn about judging others and being critical of what others wear. You need to focus on the things that matter...this subject has been debated and debated and there will always be some that hold to it and some who do not. Do not judge me because I wear slacks, and I won't judge you because you don't. God Bess You, Judy Hart

    1. Ma'am I am young. I also wasn't raised in this faith and thus have learned a lot having to seek it out for myself. Of course I have more to learn but to say I don't know what I'm talking about just isn't true. Secondly I'm not being jusgmental. I couldnt care less if you or anyone else wears pants or cuts their hair. All I'm saying is why I myself do not, which again doesn't make me a better Christian. It just makes me.. me! Are there more important things in life? Yes definitly but that's not what my blog was about today. It was about holiness which once again there may be more important things to concern myself with but it doesn't mean I can't concern myself with it If I want to.

    2. Proud Apostolic LadyApril 25, 2015 at 10:47 AM

      Thank God there are some "young" people who are reading God's Word& actually understanding it bc "so-called" UPC elders who should be showing us young ones "I'm 32" the Truth but instead decide to be more like the world are everywhere in these last days which is why us young ones who are getting revelation for ourselves is so awesome bc the Word says even the elect will be shaken if it's possible. Ally just keep going. The younger generation needs to see this truth. Please read the post I personally posted bc it goes more into it. & explains better.

    3. "wasn't raised in this faith..." Come on "Ally", I've known you and your parents and grandparents at ACOB your entire life. You grew up UPCI, left for a little while, then went right back to UPCI Gateway Bridal College. Be proud of your heritage, but don't live it for their benefit.

    4. Idk who this is, but clearly you are unaware of the fact that when I turned 13 my parents backslid and haven't returned since. Did I start off going to church as young kid yeah, but when it really came down to my crucial years when I could actually gain an understanding on why we do what we do. I was not living in a Godly church going home by any means. I had to find it out myself. I had my grandparents but they lived 900 miles away. I do however believe it was their prayers that have kept me for sure.

  24. Do all you who have posted how wearing skirts doesn't make me a Christian my fruits do. Or to the ones who are saying im judgemental. Here is a blog I posted a while back just to ease your mind. http://www.thatcrazypentecostalgirl.com/2012/12/judge-vrs-love.html?m=1

  25. Do all you who have posted how wearing skirts doesn't make me a Christian my fruits do. Or to the ones who are saying im judgemental. Here is a blog I posted a while back just to ease your mind. http://www.thatcrazypentecostalgirl.com/2012/12/judge-vrs-love.html?m=1

  26. Ally, don't languish precious time defending your statement. You have written an informative piece explaining a part of your beliefs/convictions. In no way did you try to force this on anyone. By this blog alone - your fruits are shining through like a lighthouse for those that want to see. Your convictions are yours and others convictions are theirs - we all choose and follow our own.

  27. Proud Apostolic LadyApril 25, 2015 at 10:38 AM

    1st of all men's & women's garments were completely different in Bible times. Apparently someone hasn't looked up what they're saying to look up. 2nd it days not to WEAR that which PERTAINS (relates to) to a man. When you see the pants sign you know it's man's bathroom because pants are related to man. Hence the term "we know who wears the pants in that family." End of scripture says for all that do so are ABOMINATION TO THE LORD THY GOD... abomination: extreme disgust, hatred; loathing. That's an extremely powerful term. That's not law... It's something God hates. Abomination is abomination in Old & New Testament. They don't change. & before you bring up the fish & pig, etc., do some reading & research. .. it states abomination to the people, not God. It was a custom to those certain people. Before you go trying to justify yourself just because you like wearing pants & don't want to feel that it's sin you should really stop & think... Do you stand out from the world with your clothes? Clothes are very important to God also. The 1st thing someone notices is appearance not action. They see a woman in a long modest skirt with uncut hair & they KNOW there's a difference bc not very many people look that way anymore. Then they look at what she acts like. If she's talking ungodly or doing ungodly things then she's just as worldly as those in a mini skirt or shorts, etc. When we stand in judgment& God speaks of our appearance & I'm certain He will, if He says "it wasn't necessary to wear skirts all the time" do u seriously think I'll be kicking myself because I "could have" worn pants? No way. But WHAT IF He says according to Deuteronomy My Word states you, as a woman were supposed to wear skirts & since you didn't obey depart from me workers of iniquity I Know you not... Who will be regretting their choice? & to cause someone else to stumble by trying to change their minds about what is SPECIFICALLY written in God's Word... wow... that's definitely in the Bible. Look that one up.

    1. Beautifully said! Thank you!

    2. The bible tells us ask to set ourselves apart. Not just women. It wasn't talking about our outwardly appearance but the way we act. Pentecostals are some of the most snooty, judgemental and presumptuous people around. They remind me of when Jesus talked about the Pharisees and how they draw attention to themselves. How Jesus said NOT to pray like them because their reward is not in his kingdom.

    3. So you are saying "wearing certain clothes" is NOT talking about outward appearance? Last I checked I don't clothe my insides. And for the record. .. Unfortunately, there are just as many snooty stuck up church of God, Baptist, methodist, Catholic, etc. The only reason you point out Pentecostal is bc we stand out... as the Bible says... and you can tell when a Pentecostal is around. .. or you should be able to. Unfortunately not everyone is what they claim to be even if they dress the part. My church has some pretty wealthy people in it & I have never seen them stuck up in any way. They are the most generous & loving people I've ever met. Anytime I've seen them around anyone even out in public even to the ones who don't "look like us" they hug them & tell them they love them & would love to have them visit us. Yes... there are still those you speak of, but seriously stop trying to say it's bc their denominations& speak truth. It's just bc there are "those people" in this world & the Bible says there will be. I guarantee whatever denomination church u go to there WILL be at least a couple there with you as well.

    4. Well it's lucky for you that you live in today's world. How would you have set yourself apart in centuries past before women's pants became the fashion or short hair became the fashion? Until recently only the wealthy and the aristocratic classes had enough wealth for jewelry and painted their faces. I'd imagine to set yourself apart, it would have solely on works and conduct.

  28. you go girllllllllllllllllllllll---let God lead you and you will find everything this girl has SAID TO BE TRUE--- DO NOT and you will meet your MAKER and be judged.

  29. Actually, what the bible is talking about when it says for men to dress like men and women like women is that women need to keep their head covered. They all wore robes, but to enter the temple a woman had to have her head and in some cases faces covered. Remember that in bible time women were NOTHING. If their husband died, she couldn't even own the land they lived on. She had to marry his brother just to keep the land.
    It does not matter what you wear, because when the rapture happens the clothes you're so worried about will either be in a pile on the ground or still on your body cause you got left behind.
    I was raised in a Pentecost church, I know all the rules. That church ruined my life. In middle school I began to swim in the swim team. I was good. Winning race after race. For two year I excelled at the sport i loved. When i entered high school Swimming took up a lot of my time, including practices on Wednesday nights. My fanatical father was pissed. He told me I had to write the team, because with him being an usher its was not godly for me to be wearing a Speedo. Even tho the church Treasurers son was in his fourth year on the swim team at another school. I was forced to quit. Even when the coach came to my father and told him that I could be great, I could get a scholarship and if I stuck with it could possibly go to the Olympics. The Pentecostal way of life would not allow me to participate. My grades fell, I began using drugs and smoking cigarettes. I dropped out of high school my senior year. I never went to college and I have never had a career. I am still a Christian and I still go to church, but I would never step for in a Pentecost church again.

  30. Reading this post has made me very sad because I see Christians using unkind and angry words against each other and I don’t believe that pleases God. I am a UPC Pentecostal and we do not believe we are better than everyone else nor are we judgmental or presumptuous. We believe that it is not our place to judge, but to pray for others when we feel there is a need to, so that God can work in that person’s life. I went to many churches before deciding to stay at a UPC Pentecostal church and I didn’t stay there because it was the easiest church to become a part of as it was actually the hardest, due to its high standards of holiness. In my case I was searching for a church that resembled the church of the book of Acts and for me this was the closest one. I decided to stay because the very first time I walked through those doors I felt something I had never felt before at any other church and it was the presence of God. I saw people speaking in tongues and dancing in the spirit immersed in such deep and beautiful worship that you could see the glory of God reflected on their face, it was really beautiful and I wanted that more than anything. We wear a long skirt in obedience to Det. 22:5 and don’t cut our hair based on 1 Cor 11:15; however we don’t condemn those who do otherwise as it is not our place to Judge and we certainly don’t believe that wearing a long skirt and not cutting our hair saves us, only the blood of Jesus has the power to do that when we repent and baptize in his name and then we have to walk in obedience to the word of God and it is this obedience that ensures our salvation after our name has been written in the book of life. Now for those of you who say that your can wear a long skirt and be a hypocrite you are absolutely right as the aim is to get to a place where we are both holy inside and outside, the outside should reflect what is on the inside and us Pentecostal sisters are not perfect, we make mistakes and we sin like everyone else and when we do we repent and ask God for forgiveness and do our best not to do it again which is what all Christians should do, and another thing we should do is love each other and not fight among us or be unkind to each other because that is not of God nor is it the Christian way. God bless you all.

    1. Proud Apostolic LadyApril 28, 2015 at 2:39 PM

      Denise... love your post. You are so right. As for the clothing, the way I see it is our clothing won't get us to Heaven but it can sure send us to hell. Obedience is so very important bc the Word says if you LOVE GOD you will obey His commandments & if that means me not wearing that which pertains to a man then so be it. I WILL obey bc if nothing else, I want Him to know that I LOVE HIM!

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. I would like to address the person with the negative experience. You are SOOO right about the fashion show and a lot of other things. It took me "digging' thru the junk to find the absolutely wonderful experience of the Aposolic Holiness approach. I dedicate my approach to God and Him alone. I'm thankful I kept searching thru the shallow water to find that deep well that can spring from a sincere committment thru this approach. Such a blessing it has been...but I truly believe I was able to do this becuase I only came to this belief at a latter age (37). So, I did not grow up in the fasion show...I truly found the love of this approach thru my search and dedication.

  33. Well ladies,better safe than sorry!

  34. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  35. Great post, it was an interesting read. As far as worship goes, I don't think a certain denomination is better than the other. It's about just giving God glory, and as long as you truly love God you can do that, no matter what denomination you are a part of. God does not favor one person's worship over another just because it is louder or more emotional.
    And when it comes to the skirt thing, I often hear the same things about Deut. 22:5 and I have to disagree.
    Me wearing pants vs a skirt or dress doesn't make me any less set apart than someone who wears them all the time. I think the problem is that people push their standards on others when it comes to style of dress in the church too often and scare them away.
    God should be the one trying to lead us to a more modest style of dress, not that it hurts to tell someone if they are inappropriately dressed. It should just be based off of their convictions and not a church's dress code.
    Now back to Deut. 22:5, pants in america may have started as a male thing, but that is not the same for the rest of the world. So pants are not just a man's garment, just as long tunics weren't in the old biblical days.
    I think we should aim to be set apart internally for Christ and then it will begin to show outwardly because you can be all holy looking on the outside and wicked on the inside.
    And holiness is based off of God's word and not how we dress. We aim to be holy as Jesus is holy. That starts within, not by church standards or dress rules. The Holy Spirit leads us into being holy, not other people.

  36. My name is Karina and i am a Pentecostal, i have read most of your posts and am really looking for a friend who has the same urge to be in Gods word and follow it. I'd be happy if you would like to be my friend. If you do reply i will send my email. Thank you another crazy pentecostal girl

  37. I have a question regarding Apostolic Pentecostals... I've been friends/dating a gorgeous 30 year old Apostolic mother of two beautifully wonderful girls for nearly two years. Her father is the Reverend for the Apostolic church she attends. I grew up with a predominantly Baptist background, though often went to mass with my grandparents as they were Catholic. I now prefer non-denominational churches; however, the area in which I now live, I was able to get involved with a great church, it just happens that it is a Baptist church. Well, after nearly two years or being friends, she informs me that she loves me and I love her as well... I thought perhaps I would then be around to meet her family, let us get to know each other and see where God led us. I was wrong! A few weeks ago, her father basically forbade her to see me (please keep in mind he has never met me and knows nothing about me). After two years of being there to help counsel, encourage and support her... (Not to mention loving each other)... It seems to all disappear because her father/pastor says that she can never marry me. She insists that its her decision but if she goes against her father's words, her family and the church will disown her. I would never want to put her in that situation. It is seen as unequally yolked...which baffles me! The love we have for each other is true and just... She says her heart wants to be with me but her mind says otherwise... I cannot give up hope that things could work out. We still talk a few times a day including always talking in the morning and at night for a few minutes just to say goodnight...we have done this for nearly two years and she insist she wants to continue talking and seeing me but when we are together, she's clearly anxious and paranoid of the next person walking in the door bc they may know her father... Am I mistaken in believing marriage would ever be allowed? ( by the way, I've not even been invited to the church her father pastors, and was once told, if I came her father would kick me out..). I pray about this constantly...! Am I hopelessly in love with a woman who's denomination sees me as a heathen and who's father will not allow it regardless... Or is there a chance I can care and love her and her children for the remainder of our lives on earth?

  38. Hello
    Are you still Pentecostal today

  39. I was eleven years old when I first went to a Holiness/Pentecostal church. My dad was an alcoholic and cussed every breath and cheated on my mom. He was invited to a revival by his brother who was a Pentecostal preacher. No one from our immediate family went to church that night, but my dad with his brother. When my dad came home that night after church he proclaimed that he had repented and received the Holy Ghost. I had never even heard of this before, but my dad was glowing and he changed from that night. He stopped drinking, smoking, cussing, cheating and he was like I had never seen him before. We started going to church where he got saved and I started listening to the preacher there and I wanted to be saved, too. I repented and received the Holy Ghost and it was like nothing I had ever experienced before! I felt a power that came over me like warm oil covering me completely and nothing could harm me. Such a wonderful peace! I spoke in tongues and couldn't stop! It was amazing and glorious. When I did stop everyone had left the church to go home except the preacher and his family and my family. It was a fulfilling of God's word and I am a true believer because I wasn't raised that way and I had not been accustomed to that religion. I know it is real. What I regret is that I listened to peers, my cousins telling me I didn't have to live like that, they were in another denomination, and I backslid when I was fourteen. Worst mistake of my life. I spiraled downward into sin and I regret so much I did in my life. I tried to go to nondenominational churches and live any way I wanted, but Jesus convicted me many times. I knew deep down in my heart that there was no other way but the Apostolic way. It took me a long time to get back and I thank God that He let me live until I could come back where I should have stayed all along. I still make mistakes, but God and I know where I was and where I am now is the place I need to stay! Thank you, Father, for saving me from a sinner's grave. God knows all things. He created everything from the beginning and He knows how everything will end. He also knows how the apparel from the beginning was and where it has evolved until now. So, His word is true and if He knew how apparel was going to change then His word that says for women to not wear that pertaining to man, then He knew where the apparel of man and woman was going to go. Women dress like women and men dress like men. The mixing up of apparel has caused men and women to also become mixed up. The old saying men would say when women tried to be bossy over the man in the family was "Who wears the pants in your family?" Men should and women should dress like women. God knows all things and has always known where we would be heading. I want to obey God and be ready to make Heaven my home. I am 60 years old now. May God Bless you all.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Hi Ally! This post was written with so much zeal and love for the Lord! I'm glad I read it! It really inspired and spoke to me.I'm Pentecostal and I'm so happy to see people who still stand for the truth and inspire young women! About the hate comments I'd just like to say that it's normal at these last days for people to get offended by the truth and hate! Matthew 10:22 "You shall be hated of all men for my name sake! Let's all work out our own salvation to meet the Lord instead of arguing about what he has clearly commanded! Shalom!��
