February 28, 2013

A Better Me.

The Bible talks about our bodies being temples of the Holy Spirit.
That is not just our physical bodies, but also spiritual and mental bodies as well.
In my faith, Pentecost, we suggest that we don't do any harm to our bodies because of this very reason.
From piercings and tattoos, to drugs and alcohol...
we preach against it all.
But I feel like it's much deeper than that.
In fact I feel like we leave in important detail out.
Actually we do the exact opposite we never leave it out.
It's a social thing. We eat to fellowship.
Every Sunday and Sunday night, like clockwork...we dine!
Although this is good in some sense, it's an unspoken sin....
YES...Gluttony is a sin!
In Ezekiel we are told that the sins of Sodom were pride, laziness and gluttony!
Laziness and Gluttony hmmmm
Yet everyday when we get home from work or school whats the first thing most of us do?
That's right eat and take a nap or watch TV.

I'm taking biology this semester and one of the things we went over was nutrition.
It amazes me how it is over looked.

We need to have control over our weight and over how we eat and spend our days.
Your body is important. It is God's, not yours. You can't just do whatever you want to it.

Alright I'm done ranting about nutrition because that isn't the only thing I need to change.

2 years ago, when I decided to come to Gateway, a few people told me to be careful when I came because it is easy to fall behind in your walk with God.
I laughed and swore that would never be me.

But I was sadly wrong. It is super easy to get caught up in the day to day, classes, working, and all the stresses that follow and forget your walk with God.
You get in this mentality that you're OK because you had a theology class that morning so there is no need to read your bible. Or in other words you become "all churched out".

I said it would never happen to me, but it has. I need to get back to that young girl who was on fire and had a passion for the things of God.

I still feel a calling, but due to the lack of open doors I find myself pushing it under the rug and in my mind deciding to deal with it at a later date.

I don't need open doors to deal with my spiritual walk.
I just need to do it!

So no more games, no more distractions, no more allowing the devil to fill my mind with stress and doubt. I have a calling and that needs to be my one and only focus.

Another thing I need to work on is my mind.
I have a hard time when it comes to relationships.
I don't let guys in and the ones I do let in eventually tend to hurt me.
I'm not sure why I allow this to happen and for the longest time I blamed it on them just not being the "One", but honestly I'm not the one and that's why there is problem.
I have been searching for this perfect being when I myself am no where near perfect.
I have so many area's in my life that need worked on. So many things in my mind that I need to deal with before ever even thinking about dating.
I also know God as a special calling and it's going to be a little while before there is a guy ready to follow me in this calling.

And I'm OK with that. For the longest time I was so anxious to be in a relationship. Never desperate, but very willing, which always ended wrong. I know now that today, in this part of my life, it is not the time to be with a guy, to be distracted by a relationship, or stressed by the lack of one, but rather to live and love the life I have. To be content with just having Jesus for the time being. And I feel like I have finally gotten to that point. And it is a wonderful feeling.

Last year I told someone I wanted to be the Proverbs 31 woman, but that I didn't think it was possible. The devil made it nearly impossible and I have digressed so much since then, but today is the day, now is the time, I will be all that God has called me to be.

In Body, Soul and Mind

With Love,

1 comment:

  1. A couple things to address.

    1) The Christian life isn't about a red hot prayer room, to weep, shout, and laugh in. These are all legitimate part of Christian worship, but are by no means what the Christian should expect every time they pray. (Not saying that is what you are advocating at all.) But I think that it is very important not to a) confuse passion with emotion, and b) measure your "passion" with the same measuring rod as another brother or sister.

    It is important to know that worship to God is so much more than emotionalism. "I'm coming back to the heart of worship, I'm sorry Lord for the thing I made it."

    Often times the "thing I made it" is emotionalism, instead of obeying the commandments of Jesus. And no, the only commandment Jesus gave is not evangelism. So check your spirit, and be honest with yourself, neither being too judgmental, nor too lenient.

    Did I read my Bible today? Did I pray today at any time? Did I express concern for the Lord's plan for my life? The life of others? Did I practice an act of Christian discipline, such as giving of time, money, or resources, or spending time in silence? Did I work hard at work today, or did I make my co-workers pick up extra, unnecessary burdens.

    I think that if you are honest with yourself, you'll say, "my Life reflects that of the teachings of Jesus, but I should probably focus in on this area more."

    Developing ethics gets easier as you do it. You conquer one vice at a time, and move on to the next one. Don't be overly condemning of yourself, as that is not healthy.

    Also, studying theology IS personal time with God. People have this weird mentality at Bible College. That just because it's done in a class room and not a prayer room, that it is not a spiritual exercise. But think this way.

    In class, did I remember something of God that I have previously forgotten? Did I learn something about God's character that I did not know before? Is there a way for me to adjust my character in accordance to what was taught to me? If you can answer yes to any of these questions, then congratulations, you have participated in a spiritual discipline.

    Concerning the Proverbs 31 woman. No Woman is like that. Throughout the book of Proverbs there are two ladies present. Lady Wisdom, and The Whore. The Whore tries to seduce men, and tell them that nobody will find out, it's just between you and I, My husband is gone. Your wife is not here. Etc. etc.

    But Lady Wisdom is meant to counter her call, encouraging men to be stronger than that, and to desire righteousness and fidelity to their own wives.

    The Provebers 31 wife is a description of Lady wisdom, and something for MEN to look for in women. Not for women to judge themselves harshly against this little poem.

    God bless you Allyson. Keep your head up. Hold on to the faith, not Oneness Pentecostalism. Hold on to the teachings of the Apostles, the Prophets, Moses, and of course our beloved Jesus. Do not unnecessarily judge yourself, and do not allow our spirituality to be reduced to mere emotionalism.

    God Bless You.
