April 08, 2012

Resurrection Realization

Came home for spring break.
Been here since Tuesday.
It's been a bit bumpy...usually is.
Arguing, complaining, a little laughter, a little tears.
I've been trying to stay pretty neutral and let my Holy Ghost joy shine through, but that is not always the easiest thing to do.
Needless to say I think I've failed.
Really all I want is to see my family back in church.
Back to the way things used to be.

I was really thinking about it today.
We all went to church.
It being Easter in all, they all came.
But I remember going, all of us, when it wasn't Easter.
It was just a plain ole' Sunday morning.
I miss that.
And I know since I left they haven't gone much, if any at all.
And it makes me wonder, if I came back would it help them.
I don't think it would and God knows it wouldn't help me.

I think the only way for them to come back is if they get a sudden realization of what Jesus did for them on Calvary.

My family knows good and well what the bible says Jesus did for us, but I don't think they really realize the love he showed.

I always tell my parents the reason I do what I do
The reason I live the life that I live
Is because Jesus died on the cross for me
And it's the least I can do for Him.

And that has become so much truer today then ever before.

Sitting in church this morning
Hearing the Crucifixion story for the 100th time
It suddenly hit me really hard what God really did for me.
It hit me like a brick in the stomach.
I suddenly felt so bad that someone would go through that for me
And my way of paying him back is what?
living a good life?
It just isn't enough.

I want to do more.
I have to do more.
I NEED to do more.

I'm not sure where I'm going with this.
I forgot due to all the crying and brick in my stomach feelings going on right now.
All I know is...more people need to get a realization of what Jesus did for you and I.

Especially my family.

With Love,

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