Tired, hungry, and angry, I was at my wit end sitting in the Atlanta Airport Wednesday night delayed because the plane I was on was broken.
Until a man named Ray made his way over to my sister and I.
He was a bit sketchy, not gonna lie, but he came over in desperate need of a phone.
Of course I let him use it and I'm so glad I did because he made the rest of the night bearable.
My sister and I were starving. Our mom told us we should get a voucher for food, but the line was super long for the front desk and I didn't want to make a fool of myself, but Ray was hungry too so he helped us out and got us vouchers.
We spent the whole night with him, eating and conversing about everything and nothing.
I'm pretty sure he was strung out on something, but something about him struck me.
It wasn't his salt and pepper hair that was standing straight up.
It wasn't his leather tanned skin or bug eyes.
It wasn't how he kept saying my sister and I reminded him of his daughters.
It wasn't even his stories that had no meaning behind them and I'm not even sure were all true, I think he just wanted to talk.
It was his Christ like generosity.
He wasn't Godly by any means.
Although he continued to profess his belief in God, his actions and language said otherwise.
But when it came to lending a hand, a couple dollars, or a cigarette to someone, he wouldn't hesitate.
Even in that short time I spent with him and some of the stories he told me, I could tell he'd bend over backwards for even a stranger.
It got me thinking. It's sad Holy Ghost believers...
Who live Godly lifestyles in everything else...
can't even extend their hand to a brother or sister in Christ nevertheless give a couple dollars to a homeless person. Even though the bible says in Proverbs many times and many other books as well that those who give cheerfully will also be blessed.
Yet we don't want to give and even when we do, we don't do it cheerfully.
Thank you Ray you taught me lesson even on a horrible day I thought couldn't be good.
I conclude this with this over used statement, but so true.... WWJD :D
With Love,
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