January 14, 2015

How to Follow Through with Your New Year Resolutions


Every Year you say the same thing. This year will be different. This year I will “eat healthier”,

“exercise more”, “spend less money”, “travel more”, “spend more time with family”… etc. etc.

And like clockwork every year you fail about 15 to 20 days into it.

Like all of us hopelessly optimistic Americans, I too found myself making New Year’s resolutions.

Like most individuals I want to shed a few pounds and save a little more money and like most Christians I want to fight the flesh this year and finally read the bible all the way through, but at what point does it become less important and our when do our so eager selves become less eager and really, what I want to know is how to overcome my flesh and actually follow through with my new year’s resolutions?

How do my resolutions become reality?

Well funny you should ask because I found the answer…

The answer to overcoming the flesh is in His Word!

Yes I am dead serious.

I know you’ve heard the scriptures.

1 John 4:4 …Greater is He who is in you then he who is the world.

James 4:7 Submit therefore to God…

Matthew 26:41 Keep watching and praying…The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.

Oh and one of my favorites

Matthew 18:8-9 If your hand or your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off…

There are so many I could sit here all night and list them, but we don’t fail at our goals because of lack of scripture. We fail at our goals because we fail to study the scripture and heed to it.

You can hear scripture all day, but unless there is action the scripture is just words filed in a storage bin in the back of your mind.

Proverbs 2:1-5 says, and I’m paraphrasing…

Receive My words, hide My commandments with thee, Incline your ears unto wisdom, and apply your heart unto understanding the Word. If you cry after knowledge and pray for understanding

And my favorite part….” If thou seekest her as silver, and searchest for her as for hidden treasure; then shall you understand the fear of the lord and find the knowledge of God.

Let me break this last part down really quick because I think it’s rather awesome.

When Solomon (author of Proverbs) starts referring to a “her”, he is not talking about a woman.

He is still talking about the Word of God. Now this is my own opinion so take it as you’d like, but I don’t think it was by any mistake that the wisest man who ever lived referred to the Word of God as a woman.

No, it’s not because women know all. Although we like to think so sometimes.

I think it had something to do with how Solomon saw women.

This is the same man who wrote about the proverbs 31 woman, and the same man who wrote about love in the Song of Solomon. This man held women in high regard. He also states that women are a precious jewel. Now I don’t think he said all this lightly either.

A while ago I wrote about how awesome it is to be a woman. (You should go read it)

In that particular blog I basically said in so many words how being a Godly woman, despite the mood swings, periods, being too complicated for men to understand and being unbearably emotional, is a beautiful thing.

God made us to be motherly, sweet natured, and caring all wrapped up in a beautiful outward appearance as well and without even having to say a word a woman just by being a proverbs 31 woman can reach so many lives.

So I think that when Solomon referred to the Word of God as a woman he was trying to explain how precious, and valuable and beautifully breathtaking the Word of God truly is and just by hiding it in your heart and seeking out understanding and praying for that understanding, you can reach a higher level in God and in life. You will see things in a whole new light and battles you once faced will be battles won.

Now you’re probably thinking, “Ok, but does God really care if I lose 10 pounds are not?”

The answer is yes.

We are talking about your temple. God created that body and he wants it taken care of just as much as you do and His word will give you the strength and wisdom to do so, but only, and if only, you truly seek out understanding and it becomes more than just words in a book but is a precious and beautiful treasure you relish in daily.


I challenge you this year to not just read the bible front to back, but to really study it. I want to be your accountability partner and you mine. I will do my best to post something every week about what I’ve read and learned and I hope to hear from y’all as well. I want to hear about your epiphanies, cool facts you learned and also how this is effecting your other resolutions. I’m so excited about this year. I’ve been too content this past year just going through the motions and just trying to get through each day.
 Not this year. This year WILL BE DIFFERENT!


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