October 27, 2014

Lessons Learned;Bridges Burned

               I'm sorry its been a while since I've wrote, but the point of this blog is to share my life lessons and as of late its not that I haven't learned any life lessons, I have, its just the things that have happened that have taught me those life lessons are things I don't want to share. Personal things that have blown up in my face and resulted in shame, hurt and ultimately drama I don't want any part of.
So this post is going to be a little different then usual. Usually I'm an open book and explain how I learned these life lessons, but this post I'm just going to share the lessons not how I came to this conclusion.
One of the reasons for this is one of the life lessons I learned was being careful about who I share my testimony and life with. At the time it may seem like it will help an individual, but sometimes it doesn't. It hinders them. Also, you can't trust everyone with all the details of your life. Psalms 3 talks about being careful with what you say and I think its more than not cursing or saying nasty jokes. It's in all things be careful. Be meek, which is something I struggle with.
Second life lesson I learned is be careful how you react. I was angry, and hurt and no one seemed to care. They only cared that I get punished. No one heard my side of the story, they only listened to the lies, but my reaction to it all could have been better. I could have once again been more meek and quiet. I should have shared what was going on with my pastor, which I never did. Not because I didn't respect them just because I didn't think to. I'm very absent minded and I keep to myself. Not a good combination. The bible talks about being submissive to your leaders, which is a good rule of thumb. I completely agree and I feel like I am, but my actions say otherwise. I just need to use the God given wisdom that's been bestowed upon me and realize I would be no where and no one if it wasn't for God and the people he put over me, which I know this and believe it to be true, but I like to pretend like my life is in control, I'm independent, and I got this. When in reality I just need swift kick to the head and good dose of humility.
Humility. AHHH
The word alone scares me.
I like being proud of me.
I like being in control.
I like pretending like everything is ok and putting on this "I don't care" front.
Which I don't think is wrong.
It's just not right.
My third lesson I learned is doing humble and submissive right.
There has to be a balance.
I can still be independent, proud and in control, but I have to realize that that sense of pride is from God and the individuals he has put in my life to get me where I am, that I can be independent but still lean on God and the people he has put in my life and last, but definitely most important that God is in control not me.
I've learned its not that I'm against authority. I've just been for myself a little too much. Never holding myself accountable to anyone. It's a hard concept to grasp when I've learned to live for God on my own without my parents discretion and I went to a huge church where the Pastor barely knew who I was, but it's a concept I need learn and be in prayer about.
1 Peter 5:5 Likewise, you who are younger, be subject to the elders. Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”

The last lesson I learned is Judgment is ugly.
You all know the story of heathen woman who the town wanted to stone until Jesus intervened and said any of you who are without sin cast the first stone and of course no one could do that because no one is without sin and what I take from that is that no sin is greater than or less than another.
It's been one of my goals in life, especially after being judged myself, to not be judgmental.
Who am I?
I make mistakes daily, I have no authority and its not Christ like.
I recently encountered a situation I could have been extremely judgmental and could have handled very wrong. I didn't think much of it until someone came up to me and thanked me for how I handled it and I realized then how rare it is for people to not be judgmental. Usually people react by spreading rumors and tattle telling on the individually, especially Christians, which is sad.

Jesus came to show us what true love is. Why can't we as christians (Christ-like) show that same love.

What I Learned the First 6 Months of Marriage

I was going to title this blog 
"What No One told me about Marriage"
But that would be a lie.
I was told many things...
like how its the hardest part of the marriage having to learn how to live with someone, adjust to all their different ways of doing things, different family cultures, and more importantly how they spend MONEY!
People always told me money, sex and religion are the three biggest argument starters. 

Now, I don't know if Spencer and I are doing it wrong or if we are just freaking awesome at this marriage thing, but where he puts his tooth brush or how he cleans or doesn't clean is the least of my concern. We both love Jesus
And lets be real...sex is definitely not an argument starter ... ever! 

Money is our biggest argument starter, but thats just because there is never enough, not because we spend it carelessly. Both of us are pretty frugal. 

So what have I learned...
I learned that marriage may not be easy, but its not hard when its with the right person.
We have our arguments sure, but its never something that can't fixed with a smile, a kiss, and sweet gesture. When your husband is your best friend and God is number one in your marriage problems are just that, problems! Problems with solutions. Problems that will be laughed about one day. Problems that only make you stronger and closer as a couple. 

Let me tell you a story that literally happened weeks into our marriage. 
Spencer had been wanting a big screen TV for some time. 
He finally convinced me that it was a good idea and had gotten the money together.
We pick up the TV, bring it home, and set it up.
Sometime between bringing it home and setting it up, it got nicked making it unusable. 
Cracked, damaged, nada, no good. 
Its a funny story now, but at the time it was the worst thing ever. 
We had the biggest fight I seriously think we will ever have. 

Now looking back we learned a lot these past 6 months. 
We are much closer then some couples we know who have been married for years. 
I can't ever see me being ok with being apart from him.
I can't see us ever getting in a huge argument. 

I don't know, maybe it hasn't been long enough,
but I think we are just crazy like that. 
We work. 
We fit together.
God knew exactly what he was doing. 
Marriage is Great. Don't let the world fool you. 
We've been told so many times
"oh just let the first marriage get over quickly so you can get to your second one!" 
"You just got married? I'm sorry!" 
or my favorite...
"Is your wife crazy?"

These people obviously never realized the problem is more than surface deep. 
Its all about the heart. 
You can not just have love for one another, 
you have to have love for the One and Only. 
Jesus Christ. 

But what I've learned most is...
Marriage is day to day, hour to hour. 
You have to put in what you expect to get in return.
He has to constantly be your sweetheart (even when he does something wrong)
and as much as I hate to admit it, you have to constantly be a wife. 
I know we live in an equal world, but being a biblical wife is so important in keeping a marriage strong. 

It definitely hasn't been easy. We've had our ups and downs, but overall this first 6 months has been amazing. I wouldn't change a thing....well except for maybe the cracked TV! 

May 27, 2014

Sometimes I Wake Up Unhappy

My wedding was beautiful. 
Everything I hoped for and more! 
And married life has been great. 
Better than great!

I love my life. 
I have an awesome job,
A loving family, 
And a great church family too! 

Really I have nothing to complain about.

So why the title of this blog? 
Why do sometimes I wake up without a smile? 

I'm going to be honest sometimes I wonder "What if"
Lets be real...dreams don't always come true.
Unfortunately we don't continually live in Disney World. 

When I was kid I wanted to grow up and be a doctor and a missionary to Australia.
I definitely won't ever be a doctor and the whole being a missionary is looking more and more unlikely as time goes on.

I occasionally wonder what my life would be like if I had ...
Finished college
Waited to get married
Stayed in my home town
More money 
Less fat

Here is the thing God knows every move I make
In fact they were ordained by Him.
So when I start thinking "What if" 
I start think well everything happens for a reason
I am in God's perfect will
And He must have something far better planned for my life! 

The Bible says in Psalms 37:4

Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

And later on in that chapter it says

been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread. Psalms 37:25

So why don't I have that college degree, that four bedroom, two story house with a wrap around porch and Mercedes Benz in the driveway sitting on 5 acres of land, and why don't I look like a model! 

I think Isaiah 55 explains it best 

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

I may never know the "what if", but I can wake up with a smile on my face knowing that God knows exactly what he is doing and by counting my blessing instead of counting the downfalls and shortcomings! 

Philippians 4:8 
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.


February 26, 2014


In 1985 My grandparents adopted this one month old baby named Kenny knowing he was born with a disabilty, but that didn't matter in fact I think that's why their heart was so heavy. Since then that baby has grown into a God fearing and full of life young man.

This post is dedicated to him. For the next few paragrapghs I'm going to tell you all about my uncle,
 Kenny Ray Kronenberger!
 If you know Kenny the things I say in the post are going to make you laugh, make you cry or make you go "Huh that is so true", but most importantly I hope it shows you just how awesome of man he really is!

Kenny was diagnosed with Leukodystrophy,
 which is a deterioration of the brain.
I don't want to get into that though because that is not what makes Kenny so special.
What makes him so special is that in spite of this disorder he is the most cheerfull, happy and go lucky guy I am blessed to know.

Seriously ask him how he is doing on any given day the anwer will always be "Awesome".
He could be bed ridden with the flu....he will still say he is awesome!!!

He also is always praising the Lord.
Oh Uncle Jessie (Full House) kissed a girl...."Praise the Lord"
Oh dinner is ready.... ""Praise the Lord"
but my favorite is when he is on the front pew of every service, waving his arms around, shouting praise the Lord. It convicts me. A man in a wheel chair, who is only able to use is arms and voice is out praising me, but even more so he has so much more faith then I do. 
I'm sitting here...sitting... with two able legs an able mind, blessed beyond what I deserve and I don't have enough faith to praise Him in the good times and the bad. 

Kenny you are inspiring.
You may never be black. 
There may never be enough Elvis songs to please you. 
You may never be Batman, but...

One day you'll be praising God with your legs...Jumping, dancing , running through the Pearly Gates down the Streets of Gold with your new body and new mind right at the feet of Jesus. 
Oh what a day!!

Love you Kenny 
Stay Strong!!

Love, Ally 

February 21, 2014

A God More Powerful Than Zeus

I work at a school as a teachers aide in an ESE english class.
And for this 9 weeks we decided to have them read a book.
The book we decided....

Pearcy Jackson and the Lightning Thief

So that I would be able to help the kids I read the book prior to giving it to them.

It's actually a very good book.
I'm sure ya'll have seen the movie.
Both are very similar.
The book just elaborates more on what is going on in Pearcy Jackson's mind.

For those who haven't seen the movie or read the book...
Pearcy is the son of Posidon (god of the sea), a demi god.
He finds this out when he is 13 so it comes as shock.

But what got me is how many references I could take and compare to my father...
No not my earthly father, but my heavenly father...Jesus!

Through out the book he finds he has powers just like his dad. Just like we as Christians have the power to move montains, heal ect.

At one point he is standing on beach overlooking an ocean and he is awestruck that he the son of the god who controls 70% of what the world is made of.

The minute I read that it hit me. I am the daughter of thee God. The God who not only controls the Seas, but the Skies, and everything in between!!!

Mind Blown!

Just seeing it in that perspective makes my heart sing. Gives me a purpose!

This whole book is filled with situations just like that one where your like wait...I really am the child of God!
A god much more powerful than Posidion and Zues.

The book makes a reference that the gods don't have time for their kids...
and sorry. but I couldn't help myself...

Isn't good to know that God has time for his children.

Isn't good to know that we are the children of the one, only true, and living God!

Read the book and let me know if you find any more references!!!

So cool :)
