July 24, 2012

I'm A Woman...W-O-M-A-N

And Proud! 
Frequent mood swings, weight fluctuations, cramps, babies, taking care of 
 a messy house, and never having anything to wear.
Oh yes I love being a woman. 

Caring and sweet personality, delicate frame, a since of innocence and purity. True beauty, inside and out. Strong, but submissive. 
These are qualities we are suppose to have anyway. Although many times we find ourselves aggressive, impure, a mess, ugly and fat. Yep been there many times. 
But yet I am proud to say I am a woman....

Lately I have been very involved in woman's ministry in my church and school. 
I love it. I love giving woman hope and helping them find self worth. 

Recently we had a ladies tea at my church. The theme was "True Beauty". 
The kind you find inside not out. 

See, unfortunately beauty fades. We get old, fat and ugly, but the beauty I'm talking about never fades. It's the kind of beauty that is found in women like Rehab, Hannah, and Ruth. Woman who were beautiful because of their love and kindness and their faith in God. 

Proverbs 31:30 says, "Beauty is vein, favor is deceitful, but a woman that fears the Lord, she shall be praised."

That is one of my favorite scriptures. It gives me such a peace. 
There are so many days where I look at myself and think, "Ahhh Gross", but God looks down on me and says, "Wow, what a beauty" 

What gets me this beauty? 
Well I'm so glad you asked. 

I personally think most of it comes from holiness. 
Proverbs 31:25 ...She is clothed in strength and dignity...

The other day a friend and I went shopping with her mom as we were waiting outside for her to check out some guy inside was talking about us. My friend's mom told us about it when she came out saying he said we looked saintly and how pretty we were. 

The bible says that women find power through not cutting their hair (I Corinthians 11:10) and women who practice modesty are precious in the sight of God. (I Peter 3:2-4)

I could sit here and give you scripture, after scripture about why being a woman is so great, but what really gets my attention is the relationship a woman has with God. 

I have been so blessed in my life with great Women of God who have just molded, and mentored me into who I am today. I can't wait for my relationship with God and the God given beauty of love and kindness shines through me the way it does through them. 

Women have an amazing duty in life, family and church. Its not to just be a submissive, long haired, skirt wearing caretaker, but its to be a strong, beautiful, kind, sweet, anchor and Godly influence in this world. People notice holiness. They notice when a woman is walking in the calling God has given her and with her smile alone she can change the hearts and lives of others. What an amazing gift. 

Yep, I'm a proud, Holy Ghost filled, strong, beautiful woman of God. 
And so are YOU! 

With Love, 


  1. Beautifully said,and what I love about it the most, this is from a 19 year old ,beautiful woman of God.Thank you Ally for sharing whats on your heart.Love you.

  2. Absolutely love this!!! It may have taken me a while after it was posted to find this but now is when I needed it. I've been struggling with weight & have become very discouraged but this helped alot. Thank you!
