9 Month ago I began a journey called Gateway.
This is my last week for this year.
It's all coming to a close.
Hopefully not an end.
I recently found out I still owe a lot of money to the school.
And I didn't register on time so I have to wait till fall.
That on top of the fact that I've just about had it with this place,
from my things getting stolen,
Gaining 15 pounds...at least,
At times feeling as though me and God's relationship has dwindled,
And at times feeling as though I don't fit in here.
But with all that being said I don't want to leave.
I know I'm confusing.
But truth be told I've never felt more at home and I know this is where God wants me.
At least for now.
So why must it be so stressful.
Well, my Grandma made a valid point.
If everything was going good and was easy,
and the devil wasn't trying to knock you down,
How would you know that this is God's will.
Cause that's all this is ...the devil trying to knock me down.
So with that in mind I decided to look at this from a different angle...
All the good things that have happened this year.
I have grown spiritually
I have been used to do great things in His Kingdom
From preaching various places
To being a leader in the woman's ministry at the school called 31:30
and the far most amazing thing that has happened this year is...
The Girls Home.
That in itself has changed my life so drastically!!!
And more importantly I know we have helped their lives too!!!
God is doing great things in, through and with me that I could have never imagined possibly.
Just in one year.
Imagine what it will be like in four.
So I can't leave, not yet...
God isn't finished with me yet.
And even though it seems impossible to come up with the money ...
I've been here before.
This same time last year I was worried about the same thing,
But He pulled through.
If He could do it then, He can surely can do it now!!!
With Love,
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