August 11, 2011

The Journey Begins

Since I was 12 I've felt called to ministry, where that was to take me to who knew, but now its starting to pan out.
I always wanted to go to bible college for as long as I can remember. Although it never seemed realistic it was still in the back of my mind. Now, It's more then a thought, it's reality. I sent my paperwork in, filled out some scholarship applications, and got my Pastor's consent. A couple months went by, I hadn't heard about any scholarships and so I just assumed it was not God's will for me to go yet. It took awhile and alot of prayers, but I soon gained a peace about it.
About a month ago now I was at church camp just having a good time not really thinking about bible college and I recieved an email saying "Congratulations, you have been excpeted for a work study program, 20 hrs a week, $3500 year towards tuition." OMG I think I started crying, but that wasn't all. I recieved another email from the music director at Gateway stating I was recommended for a music scholarship!!!!!!
So, plans have changed again. I am now leaving in a week for Gateway College of Evangelism in St. Louis. It's so unreal. It still hasn't hit me, but here it goes!!!!!
I am very excited, but also a tad bit nervous along with a few other emotions, but I've come to realize this must be God's will! He has opened so many doors thus far and he will continue to do so.
Its such a small word, just 5 letters, but yet it is so hard to grasp!
So here is my message to you! If you feel called and God has placed a burden on your heart, but right now it looks merely impossible. Remember this....
Faith is the substance of things hoped for- so your hoping God will make a way
And its the evidence of things not seen- Which means if you have faith God sees that as evidence that you can endure this calling he has sat upon you.
If it is His will, which IT IS.... we are talking about His kingdom! You don't just come up with burdens all by yourself in your head- THAT IS GOD!!!! If it is His will... sit back, pray, stay strong in your relationsip with Him and let God take care of it and just trust he knows what he is doing!!!!!
So that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God. 1 Corinthians 2: 5
He knows best....
Be assured and understand that the trial and proving of your faith bring out endurance and steadfastness and patience. James 1: 3

I know its alot harder to believe then to read it, but constantly remind yourself its only making you stronger. PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE!!!!

.....and when you get there remember where you came from!!!




  1. So excited for what God is doing in your life! We'll miss you lots! Love you girl!
