August 20, 2011

Day 1

I was so nervous and paranoid that it wasn't going to be all I'd hope for, but in fact I believe it's going to be even better!
I get there and things aren't really going so well. The school was missing papers of mine, and come to find out I didn't receive the music scholarship I was relying on, so I wasn't sure how I was going to do this.
I turned to my mom at one point and said "If they don't except a smaller down payment then 15% of what I owe, I'm going home"
I was there from 9am to almost 5pm. I moved all my stuff in, got my class schedule, met a bunch of people ( Some of which I already knew), and finally after waiting for what seemed forever I sat down with the financial advisor.
This is when I turned to my mom and said the comment above. She just shrugged, but I was on the verge of tears. Although so was she, but only because she couldn't believe how dirty and small the rooms were and in my room one of the glass window panes were missing.
But there we were talking to this financial advisor. He's just sitting there reviewing my files for a couple minutes then says, "Ok so you have two scholarships we can subtract from your tuition." I'm confused at this point because as far as I knew I only had one. Then he says " You have the work study for $3500, and you have one for $1000 from the Florida District UPCI." So, now I'm even more confused. I applied for that one, but didn't think I was accepted, but he informed they recieved a check and I very much so was accepted!
I couldn't believe my ears. Did I hear him right!
It was miracle!
So I put a small down payment down with money still left in the bank, and my monthly payments are only $345.
So you think this is amazing!!! That isn't all God has done!
So I got this piece of junk car, right?!?! I'm always stressing about and putting money in that I don't have. I was all paranoid about taking it way up here, but just the other day, right before I left my mom gave me here Mercedes! Told me she'd feel safer with me taking that.
So it's been one blessing after another. God is good and I'm so excited about Bible College now. So excited about what God has in store!
My first day was a success and I know the rest will be even better!!!

" Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen"


August 11, 2011

The Journey Begins

Since I was 12 I've felt called to ministry, where that was to take me to who knew, but now its starting to pan out.
I always wanted to go to bible college for as long as I can remember. Although it never seemed realistic it was still in the back of my mind. Now, It's more then a thought, it's reality. I sent my paperwork in, filled out some scholarship applications, and got my Pastor's consent. A couple months went by, I hadn't heard about any scholarships and so I just assumed it was not God's will for me to go yet. It took awhile and alot of prayers, but I soon gained a peace about it.
About a month ago now I was at church camp just having a good time not really thinking about bible college and I recieved an email saying "Congratulations, you have been excpeted for a work study program, 20 hrs a week, $3500 year towards tuition." OMG I think I started crying, but that wasn't all. I recieved another email from the music director at Gateway stating I was recommended for a music scholarship!!!!!!
So, plans have changed again. I am now leaving in a week for Gateway College of Evangelism in St. Louis. It's so unreal. It still hasn't hit me, but here it goes!!!!!
I am very excited, but also a tad bit nervous along with a few other emotions, but I've come to realize this must be God's will! He has opened so many doors thus far and he will continue to do so.
Its such a small word, just 5 letters, but yet it is so hard to grasp!
So here is my message to you! If you feel called and God has placed a burden on your heart, but right now it looks merely impossible. Remember this....
Faith is the substance of things hoped for- so your hoping God will make a way
And its the evidence of things not seen- Which means if you have faith God sees that as evidence that you can endure this calling he has sat upon you.
If it is His will, which IT IS.... we are talking about His kingdom! You don't just come up with burdens all by yourself in your head- THAT IS GOD!!!! If it is His will... sit back, pray, stay strong in your relationsip with Him and let God take care of it and just trust he knows what he is doing!!!!!
So that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God. 1 Corinthians 2: 5
He knows best....
Be assured and understand that the trial and proving of your faith bring out endurance and steadfastness and patience. James 1: 3

I know its alot harder to believe then to read it, but constantly remind yourself its only making you stronger. PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE!!!!

.....and when you get there remember where you came from!!!

