December 06, 2016

Nothing to Fear

People question God’s capability daily, not just atheist, but Christians and non-believers alike. Myself included. You could be in church your entire life, seen miracle after miracle, blessing after blessing and yet still doubt God can deliver you from your current situation. I don’t know why we do that. Well, I do know why it’s called SATAN!! We have got to stop believing the lies he tells us. He comes to steal, kill and destroy, but God…
Oh but God!!!
My husband and I have been married for just a little under 3 years and together for almost 4. In that time we have seen God provide for us time and time again. Just when we thought it was the end, when we didn’t know how we would pay that next bill, when we didn’t know how we were going to have food to last us until the next paycheck… there He was. Providing, blessing and never forsaking. Yet, like most of you, we still live in fear and doubt. Many of times wondering how we are going to pay all the bills that month, or if He will heal our bodies or save our lost family, but God hasn’t failed us yet.
Recently we’ve been praying about something. We feel like it’s the next step in our life we should be taking, but fear is crippling, and our worry overcompensates are faith in God. So we’ve been praying God if it is your will give us a peace about it and let it be, but if not shut the door. Well Sunday he confirmed it to us both that it was indeed time. Monday night he provided in way I would have never even deemed possible, which just added to the confirmation that God is all powerful, all seeing, all knowing. He sits on the throne. Not my fear.
 His ways are higher than my ways, His thoughts higher than my thoughts.
 I can trust when he says GO… there is nothing to fear.

 “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7