October 19, 2015

In God's Eyes...

I am flawed.
Rough around the edges.

Jeremiah 18 tells a story of man.
He was a potter.
God told Jeremiah to pay him a visit. 
When he did he found him molding a piece of clay on a wheel.
While molding this clay, the clay messed up if you will.
It fell apart in his hands. 
But rather then throw that clay out and start with new, he picked up that same piece of clay and continued molding until he created a masterpiece. 
God told Jeremiah "If this man can do this with a piece of clay, what more I can I do with you? You are but clay in my hands. You just have to be willing."

Now, I've been in church my whole life. 
Like any teenager I had a "rebellious" stage. If you want it to call it that haha
but majority of my life I have lived wholeheartedly for God. 
In that time I have learned that I have much to learn, much to grow.
Just when I think I have it all together I'm reminded I need to work on something else.

From modesty, to loving people I don't like, and even my mouth...go figure haha

If you don't want to admit what you need work on then don't ever pray for God to mold you because He will not hesitate. 

But if you want to be all you can be, go higher, do bigger things allow God to mold you. 

I say all this to say Yes I have things I need to work on, I know that, God knows that, and we all know everyone else knows that and aren't afraid to let you know when you mess up, but God 

Oh but God
He may know your flaws, but He loves you despite them.
Despite your rough edges He sees something beautiful. He sees your potential. He still has great plans for your life. Even when no one else believes you are able. God says " I know your not able, but I am, and I am in you, and through Me all things are possible."

There is a song by Brad Paisley, although not christian, I like to think of it in the words of Jesus. 
It goes like this. 

To the teller down at the bank
You're just another checking account
To the plumber that came today
You're just another house
At the airport ticket counter
You're just another fare
At the beauty shop at the mall
Well you're just another head of hair
Well that's alright, that's ok
If you don't feel important, honey
All I've got to say is

To the world
You may be just another girl
But to me 
you are the world

To the waiter at the restaurant
You're just another tip
To the guy at the ice cream shop
You're just another dip
When you can't get reservations
'Cause you don't have the clout
Or you didn't get an invitation
'Cause somebody left you out
That's alright, that's ok
When you don't feel important honey
All I've got to say is

You think you're one of millions but you're one in a million to me
When you wonder if you matter, look into my eyes
And tell me, can't you see you're everything to me

I am flawed
Rough around the edges 
But in the Eyes of Jesus 
I have worth beyond measure.

October 11, 2015

From Rags to Riches

Once upon a time in far away land lived a little girl who loved Jesus. She was always taught to love Jesus, but as time went on she had to find out who he was for herself and decide if she was going to live for Him or for this world. She decided, after many mistakes and wrong paths, that she would live for God and God alone. 
It wasn't always easy. Many people did not approve of her decision, but then again there were many people who were very proud of her. 
She went on to follow after Christ even in her career and attended Bible College, but even there she dealt with the devil and his evil ways. He did everything he could to bring her down in high school and in college, but God had other plans for this young girl. She was a child of the King and destined to do great things. Although she did not know this for sure she believed she was called and held strong and by much prayer and a fasting she did. 
She is not where she is going, but she is far from where she came from.


but once upon a time I was just a peasant trying to make it this crazy world.
Little did I know I was a child of the King. 
God has done so much for me in my short 23 years of living. He was there with me growing up. When I had to live for Him by myself- He was there and he kept me.
When I went off to college- He provided for me
Now as an adult- He has blessed me with an amazing, Godly husband, an awesome church, and Pastor and he continually blesses me financially and spiritually. 


But I never want to forget where I came from.

We had a special speaker at church today who made a valid point that I just have to share...

"God will allow our past to be brought up, so we don't soon forget where God has brought us from"

The Israelites continuously forgot where God had brought them from. They complained every day about one thing or another, but little did they know what was coming. 


Just like the Isrealites God has promised us a land full of milk and honey. Lest I forget all he has done for me and all he is going to do. I like to be reminded that I'm not all that.
Being a singer I get complemented often and that can so easily get to my head and instead of my "talent" being used for God's glory, it becomes about me. 

My daily prayer is "Less of me, more of You, Jesus." 
What better way to decrease myself and increase God then by remembering who I used to be and who God has made me. It is only by the grace of God I am who I am today. We must remember to be THANKFUL. 

There is this awesome song a women at my church sings called "Thank You on My Lips." 
The verses talk about such simple things like waking up in the morning, thank you Lord.
Giving me food to eat and putting shoes on my feet, thank you Lord! 
For taking this nobody and making me heavenly royalty, thank you Lord!

I can't help but think of this great story in the bible about this women named Esther. She may have been the queen, but she never forgot who her true King was.

but never forget those rags are a part of who we are and that is okay. 
God made us into something beautiful. 
What an awesome God we serve! 
Only He could take something so messed up, worthless, and broken and see the worth in them,
 heal all the broken pieces and make them beautiful.