December 26, 2013


We all have them! 
Each family is different. 
And during the holidays each family has special traditions.
Each family celebrates holidays different.

In my family every year is different. This year everyone went to the grandparents, up in Illinois, for Christmas. Last year it was Thanksgiving. Next year it will be Thanksgiving. 2015 we will all be there for Christmas again. So on and so forth. 

We always eat at lunch. My Grandma decorates her house to the nines. There is a long table stretched from one end of the house to the other, decorated and with place settings and name tags. My Grandma doesn't hold back. We have a load of food with all the women helping cook. Usually there is a whole table full of desserts, which my grandma decorates too lol :) 

All the aunts, uncles, cousins all in one place! No TV, no distractions. Just each other enjoying the company of family. We open gifts after we eat.  I usually eat to much and sit around the rest of the day until our walk down town. 

Then we sit around, nibble on food the rest of the day, playing hand and foot and having our infamous Kroneneberger discussions. 

Unfortunately this year I was unable to go.
I knew one day all of us cousins would get married and move on, 
little did I know that I would be the first!

It hit me. I'm growing up. I'm about to marry into a whole other family with traditions of their own
and I had an emotional breakdown! 

My poor fiance didn't know what to do. 

My Grandma offered to pay part of my way to Illinois. 
So I was left with ultimatum. My family or my fiance....

I chose my.....

I know I'm nuts, but I knew it was gonna happen one day anyway and It's a hard thing to swallow when you have to choose to put your family second because you are starting one of your own.

I wasn't looking forward to Christmas before, but I went to Spencer's Aunt and Uncle's house and I added some of my own traditions and took my Grandma's advice...
I made Christmas what I wanted it to be. 
And it was perfect!

I hope you Cain's are ready!??!! 
I'm my grandmothers kin and I'm bringing some southern charm to your redneck craziness!!!! 

December 02, 2013

Long Time No Talk

Sorry for the silence. 
Just been busy in my own life I almost forgot I still had a blog.

Since our last chat I've met the man of my dreams
moved to Florida

I know...Its lot to take in, but I'm about to elaborate. 

The end of March I had the privilege to go on an outing to Jonesboro, AR with Urshan College.
I wasn't supposed to go on it because there wasn't any room, 
but last minute a girl backed out and asked if I could take her place.
The weekend was spent passing out tracks, practicing for Sunday's service and youth party....
Where it all began.

I was sitting there with a group of people working on my cardboard testimony.
When in he walked.
This tall, dark haired man with a bright yellow shirt
And tennis shoes to match.

The first thing that crossed my mind....
Arkansas has some good looking guys!

But then this good looking guy came and sat right next to me
And come to find out we both lived in Florida for a short while and both our parents lived there still.

Crazy small world!

Little did I know this tall, good looking, country boy would soon be so much more then some guy I met at a church event!

Time went on and we started talking, which turned into dating,
Which somehow turned into us moving to Florida to be closer to our parents and for better jobs.

Let me stop before I get ahead of myself.
This man God has brought into my life is more then I ever could have asked for.

In previous posts I'm sure you've read all my specifications for a man.
All what I thought my man should and should not be.
Not that I was looking for Mr. Perfect,
More like Mr. Right! 

I started questioning if he existed, but 
Spencer has and continually shows me that he does,

I've never had peace about a guy I was talking to. I'd always find something to nit pick. 
But with Spencer I have no doubt in my mind where he belongs...
With me! 

Now back to my story! 
September rolls around and this boy proposes to me... 
Like I said so much has been going on!

But my reason for writing this is for all you wondering minds 
Who think we are going too fast, 
Who are questioning if I'm in Gods will,
Who are wondering if I'm still going to pursue ministry.

Someone a while back, when Spencer and I were talking marriage and talking about moving to Florida, was praying with me and told me I had some crucial decisions to make in my life. The decision to follow my calling and God's will or follow my heart and fleshly desires. 

Although Spencer's name never crossed his lips I'm pretty sure that's what he meant by following my heart and fleshly desires.

My question is why must they be two separate decisions. To me they are on in the same!

I've been living for God all my life. Chasing after this calling he has placed in my heart and now God has given me the desires of my heart. 

I am so blessed.

I always heard stories of people finding their help mate, their other half and how in love they are and now I know what they were talking about! 

I can't wait to start my life with you Spencer Cain and I can't wait to see what God has in store for us!