We all have them!
Each family is different.
And during the holidays each family has special traditions.
Each family celebrates holidays different.
In my family every year is different. This year everyone went to the grandparents, up in Illinois, for Christmas. Last year it was Thanksgiving. Next year it will be Thanksgiving. 2015 we will all be there for Christmas again. So on and so forth.
We always eat at lunch. My Grandma decorates her house to the nines. There is a long table stretched from one end of the house to the other, decorated and with place settings and name tags. My Grandma doesn't hold back. We have a load of food with all the women helping cook. Usually there is a whole table full of desserts, which my grandma decorates too lol :)
All the aunts, uncles, cousins all in one place! No TV, no distractions. Just each other enjoying the company of family. We open gifts after we eat. I usually eat to much and sit around the rest of the day until our walk down town.
Then we sit around, nibble on food the rest of the day, playing hand and foot and having our infamous Kroneneberger discussions.
Unfortunately this year I was unable to go.
I knew one day all of us cousins would get married and move on,
little did I know that I would be the first!
It hit me. I'm growing up. I'm about to marry into a whole other family with traditions of their own
and I had an emotional breakdown!
My poor fiance didn't know what to do.
My Grandma offered to pay part of my way to Illinois.
So I was left with ultimatum. My family or my fiance....
I chose my.....
I know I'm nuts, but I knew it was gonna happen one day anyway and It's a hard thing to swallow when you have to choose to put your family second because you are starting one of your own.
I wasn't looking forward to Christmas before, but I went to Spencer's Aunt and Uncle's house and I added some of my own traditions and took my Grandma's advice...
I made Christmas what I wanted it to be.
And it was perfect!
I hope you Cain's are ready!??!!
I'm my grandmothers kin and I'm bringing some southern charm to your redneck craziness!!!!