October 26, 2012

In Tune with His Plan!

Since I was 12 I felt a calling...
Little did I know that calling was going to change my life entirely.

It caused me to make different decisions then my peers, 
friends and even family. 
It drew me away from things and drew me closer to others.  
Gave me joy 
Gave me tears
Sent me 1100 miles away from home to go to Bible College. 

Now this calling 
is make me feel out of place. 
But not in a bad way....I suppose. 

I sometimes feel alone. 
Living off campus I get left out of a lot, 
and don't really know what is going on.
I also work a lot so I just don't have much time and when I do I like to spend it alone.

It's been on my heart though lately. 
It's kinda of a hard time for me. 
Being alone. 

But I was told the other day why I was dealing with this. 

A teacher and I got to talking and he said did you ever think that possibly the reason you are going through this period of aloneness, is to get a better relationship with God. You have a special calling in your life and God is going to have to work a little longer on you to get to that place where he needs you. 

Funny thing about this is I just had this conversation with my friend pretty much suggesting the same thing. 
God confirmed it. 

You know just when you think that you must be crazy. He sends someone along to let you know you are right on track with His plan. 

I feel really in tune with Him lately. This and then Wednesday...
 I had $13 to my name and no gas in my car, but it really wasn't to my name because it was God's. I argued with him all the way to church about just keeping $3 for gas so I could get to school Thursday, but he won that argument and I gave it all to him. I then got a text message from my teacher saying there was no class thursday. So now I can wait till Friday when I get paid to put gas in my car:) Moral of the story pay your tithes people because God is good and He never leaves the righteous forsaken or seed begging for bread!

Feels good to know I'm doing something right. 

October 18, 2012

Are You Pregnant?

I have a pet
Her name is Pearl
Pearl is a ...Tarantula
I know I'm crazy, but discussing my craziness is not the agenda so moving on....
Spiders do this really cool thing called molting.
They shed their outer skin because they are growing out of it and need new one.
When they shed this skin they are truly a different creature.
There skin is brighter and they themselves are more energetic.
Kind of like when we become new creatures in Christ. II Corinthians 5:17
We shed away are old skin and put on new.
And when we do, we are new people.
Filled with joy and God's light shinning in us.
Another reason Spiders molt is because they are pregnant.
Thus she is growing.
I think this is where most people in the church are or need to be.
We have a new coat, a new identity in Christ.
And now it's time to give birth.
Before the spider molts it will stop eating,
it will drink a ton more than usual
and it almost seems like they are in a bad mood.
I think it's because they get uncomfortable in the skin they are in.
We need to get uncomfortable in the skin we are in.
We need to be uncomfortable with being content.
Going through the motions.
We need to birth a burden.
We have been given a great commission...
Matthew 28:19-20
19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the NAME(Jesus) of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
It's time this generation, I included, birth a burden for lost souls.
I recently came to a self awareness that my time here on earth is meaningless.
No, really it is ...unless I do as God commanded.
I go through life worrying about selfish things...
What am I going to wear tomorrow...
How am I going to pay for...
What am I going to do this weekend...
I get on my knees and pray God do this for me do that for me...
When I should be praying Kingdom prayers.
Lord, impregnate me with a burden for this world.
I don't know about you, but the though of one soul
spending eternity in Hell
sickens me.
In His Service,

October 04, 2012

Like I'm the Only Girl in the World

Rihanna knew what she was talking about when she sung
 "I want you to make me feel like I'm the only girl in the world"
I'm really sick of guys!
I need three things....
Consistancy, Commitment, and Consideration.
You guys who say I'm beautiful one day then the next day pay no mind to me...
I rather you leave me alone.
I don't need you
And I'm better off without you.
If you like me...tell me
If you don't....then stop acting like you do.
I have feelings....and a heart....
and I rather them not be messed with.
I usually don't make post like this, but I needed to let off some steam!
Point is if I'm not everything you want
and you don't want to treat me with respect and like the jewel that I am
Then lets just be friends and call it day!

God has someone special for me ... and chances are you're not him.

The Spoken word by P4CM's Janette said it best....

 I will know him
 Because when he speaks, I will be reminded of Solomon’s wisdom.

His ability to lead will remind me of Moses.

His faith will remind me of Abraham.

His confidence in GOD’s word will remind me of Daniel.

His inspiration will remind me of Paul.

His heart for God will remind me of David.

His attention to detail will remind me of Noah.

His integrity will remind me of Joseph.

His ability to abandon his own will, will remind me of the disciples.

And, his ability to love selflessly and unconditionally will remind me of CHRIST.

But I won’t need to identify him by any special ‘Matthews’ or ‘Marks’

… because GOD'S WORD will be tatted all over his heart.

So honey I know its not you
Cause you don't even sound or shine like The Son.

Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. And all you can whisper is sweet, empty nothings. Which mean nothing.

You can't even pray when you need to. Asking you to fast would be absurd.

So forget about being cleansed and washed with water through the WORD.

Nope definitally not you....
Thank you and God Bless