July 26, 2011

I'm Flattered - "Calling all Models"

I went to Camp last week and they took this pic of me praying! Later I was asked by someone if they could use this pic for a blog they were apart of! I was flattered and honored and the blog post is phenomenal so I thought I'd repost it...

Dear Ladies in the Lord,

This week I attended and returned from church camp. I helped assist my cousin in directing the music and back-up vocals, which to my surprise was a very challenging job! I went to camp thinking that I would be doing only that, and that nothing in my life would really be different when I returned home; but as I was there, something became different. I noticed that I carried myself and thought differently than my normal self would have.

I sometimes struggle with self-esteem issues; and I think as an apostolic young lady, we all do at one time or another due to the un-leveled judgment that the world puts on us because we stand out so much! But this week I was content with myself. It wasn’t so much because I was surrounded with people that act, look, and believe in the same things that I do; but I realized something…

Everybody in this world gets judged by others, apostolic or not. Something about you is always going to be wrong, or weird, or just not normal to someone else. So why try to fix it or fit in? I have always loved the idea of being my own person, but I have never liked to be judged. I believe that as ladies of our Lord we have to stand out! Godly women are the “models” for apostolic holiness standards, and beauty! So stand out and be a model for godly things that are pure; for we are beautiful in God’s eyes!

1 Peter 2:9 - “For you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.”

July 23, 2011

Loving my Burden

I know it has been a long while since I last posted a blog. I've had somethings on my heart, but I knew camp and congress and all that good stuff was coming up so I'd thought I hold out for a lil while and see what else God does in my life, but I cant hold my silence any longer!!!!

The devil has really been coming against me more so then ever the past couple of months. From having to put around $1000 in my car ( not in my budget) to then going to camp and the first few services feeling dead as a door nob to the spirit. FINALLY I had enough I was going on my 4th service at camp and I was still dead! I WAS DONE I told satan to get thee behind me in the name of Jesus I'm a child of the most high God and no one and I mean no one can get in the middle of my praise!!!!!! Haha i don't know why I'm laughing becuase I was dead serious that night!!!

See the devil knows what God is going to be doing through me! So he is trying to prevent me from going to where he is sending me and you want to know why this is so humorous to me....Because the Devil thinks he is so sneaky, conniving and smart, but in reality is so dumb .... God knows all things and through Him all things are possible! So I'm just going to keep on praying, keep on praising, and keep on keeping on!!!

At times it is so hard to even imagine myself doing some of the things God wants me to do! I'm like God are you crazy Im not qualified for this kind of work and you know what he says " I'm not looking for those who are 'qualified' I'm looking for those who are sanctified!!!" Do you know the deffinition of sanctified. Most assume "oh its someone who is holy blah blah blah a jesus freak", but in reality it is someone who is once a sinner, but by the grace of God was justified then redeemed and is now holy and sactified in HIS eyes!

God has called me and I know what to and for awhile I've been brushing it off not because I don't want to do the will of God. I just didn't think I was the person to do. I didn't really like the burden God had put on my heart. It means persucution from family and friends. It means probably living off of raman noodles and PB&J for a while. Plust I don't even have money for bible college. It also means giving my whole life and everything I could accomplish away ...to God !!!!!

BUT why in the world am I looking at this from negative stand point!?!?!? Now I know persuction makes me STRONGER. Needing money and living humbly makes me RELY ON GOD more heavily. And I giving my whole life to God isn't something I HAVE to do it is something I AM BLESSED with doing!!!

So Lord THANK YOU for believing in my, for blessing me with a burden for this generation, and thank you for all you have done, are doing, and are going to do!!!!!

If You acknowledge God...He WILL Make A Way!!!! Prov. 3:6
