June 11, 2011


We always talk about respecting others and getting respect from others, but why not respecting yourself!?!?

Recently my cousin came into town. I love this girl with all my heart, but sometimes we get into it. I don't know that I would call them areguments maybe discussions, but either way we are always at it. Its either that or really heart felt discussions. This time it was both rolled up into one. She hasn't been living the way she should and she is starting to realize it and she also is realizing that alot people, young girls to be more specific, arn't living the way they should be either. The age when girls start getting into to stuff that they should not seems to be getting younger and younger. Lately my cousin has been talking to this 14 year old who has done just as much stuff as she has the only difference my cousin started at 18 not 14. It is sad and it hurts to hear that from such a young girl.
We have been talking about ways we can help these girls who feel like they aren't worth anything more. There isn't much we can say or do, but what we can we will. I want to start out by saying ....

Whether you don't see that or believe it, it is true. God made you one of a kind. You are special, precious, and ment to be kept and charished. Your like the diomond in the rough. Right now you don't see much potential, but give it time, clean yourself up, and allow the wise to chizel you and scolp you and you will see that you derserve to be RESPECTED!

"A virtuous woman is far above rubies" Prov. 31:10

Megan's words of wisdom

There is something that has been on my heart that i need to share because ik it is a growing problem these days that needs to be stoped. And for those of u that kno me i'm sure ur gonna think that i'm bein hypocritical. But fact is when u take time to realize things about urself u figure out ur not alone....and ik i'm not the only one who needs to hear this.

Women and Girls of this world:

First of all, you are beautiful and important to me and the people in your lives that love you and care about u. Never forget u r worth a million dollars and the only one worthy of having all of u is the person willing to pay that price. :) Never give up and never think ur hopeless because u rnt. every person is salvagable if they r willing to be saved. But it is up to u and your choice is the only thing that matters dont let neone tell u different. But remember that doesn't mean dont listen to others and wat they have to say, God gave u 2 ears and 1 mouth. Which means u need to listen twice as much as u tlk, and a wise adult can see that and embrace it. so dont just blow off wat i'm saying as just me tryna preach....because i am no better than anyone of u, in fact ya'll are prolly better in me than many ways. i''m just trying to help others through my experiences, i want u to learn from my mistakes. because ik if i would have just listened to the advise of my family and smart friends i would have saved myself from alot of heartache and pain. I dont kno where ur at or ur situation or even if ur having any problems at all. but i just want all of u to kno how amazing u r and how much u mean to me and the people around u. And never take the blessings u have for granted. I love you all and ur in my prayers. :)

Love Meg & Ally