I pray to God daily yada yada blah blah blah lol God doesn't always answer my numerous prayers but he always listens!
I went to a youth rally in Gainesville this past weekend called operation rescue. Bro Tom Gaddy preached 2 phenomenal messages, the 1st was "the Second Most Important Decision You'll Ever Make" which he talked about how important choosing the right person to marry is. The first important decision you'll make is to serve God! Saturday morning he preached a message entitled "Leave the Church" talking about taking the message of truth and salvation outside the church and witnessing to your friends, family and community.
Honestly, I didn't get much from the sermons, but me being the needy kid that I am, once the altar was open, hurried down and started professing all my cares and concerns to God....and you know he didn't answer right then and there that night or morning, but I know he heard me! I know this because eventually he did just now how I was asking Him to or how I was expecting Him to.
You know I think that's what we fail to remember...that its not our expectations or our plans, but God's!
I ask for another job or a different one with more hours, but God just makes the one I have better! I ask for answers, for a prophesy from some minister or something and God sends someone I least expect to give me answers and all these other things I'm asking for I know he hears my cry and he will guide and direct me the way HE wants it to go!!!!
...And he knows best, so God I give you my life do with it what you will<3
With Love,