Positive Law vs. Natural Law
~who do you think will win~
First lets lay out the definition ...
Positive Law- law set up by a soveirn ex. King, constitution
Natural Law- what is morally acceptable according to personal perception - what you think is right or wrong
I was sitting in my business law class tuesday night as my profressor started discussing the "fight" between positive and natural law. He used this example...
Stealing- Its against the positive law, but in some cases, according to natural law its necessary or okay to steal such as, "he was starving so he stole food from a grocery store." Regardless in the end, no matter what the excuse he will get in trouble for stealing because positive law will always triump natural law. ALWAYS!
This got me thinking! I do this alot with my walk with God. Christians do this alot in their life as well. Positive law represents what God and the Bible says and natural law represents your convinctions and flesh. The fight between our flesh and what God says has been going on for ages...and the war will never end, but the fight can be weakend when you gain a relationship with God!
Unlike politics, God actually cares lol and most importantly civil disobediance doesn't work. In the end you will either obey or disobey.
When Jonah's natural law took control he was swallowed by a whale, but when, oh, but when he obeyed and called on the Lord not only was he freed, but he saved a whole city!
Blessed are those who hear the Word of God and obey and practice it! Luke 11: 28
when you obey positive law and ignore your natural law or change your natural law...
hahha YES change it...strengthen your convictions!!!!
...God will in return bless you and be able to do great things through you!!!
All we need is a little
Peace ...
& less
War <3
with love,