May 24, 2010

Epic Summer Kickoff!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was sitting in my bed, on the verge of tears! Why? Well, this may seem simple, but it was all because I wanted to do something Epic this summer!

Im going off to college this coming fall, so this summer is basically my last before I have to take summer classes, which is a bit depressing. So, I wanted to do something, anything, something I could look back on and say "Wow, that was awesome"? But what?

I've been thinking about it, googling it, and praying about it, but was having no luck till this afternoon! A light bulb came on...SHEAVES FOR CHRIST!!!!!!!!!!!

Sheaves for Christ is the fundraising ministry of the General Youth Division of the United Pentecostal Church International. Since its establishment in 1952, over $103 million has been raised to fund missions and ministries around the world. I decided I wanted to be apart of that.

My church is one of the largest in my section, yet I noticed we never really raised a whole lot for SFC! I want to change that this summer!

My Idea: Get my youth involved and excited about it! Do fun things that get them wanting to be apart of it! Put posters up showing how much we've made and how much we want to make. Fundraising galore, from Car Washes to Silent Auctions, Walk-A-Thons, and Bidding Youth Leaders to do crazy things lol :)

I'm going the whole 9 yards, and I encourage you to do something EPIC this summer too!!!!!!!!

With Love,

May 22, 2010

Are You Up For The Challenge?

I went to a youth rally in Orlando this past Friday! Wasn't planning to go. It was a last minute thing I was talked into, but can't say I regret going. Acually the day of I was excited about, but not for reasons I should be. Actually the only reason I wanted to go was to find a nice, good looking, pentecostal young man, but God had other plans.

The preacher was from Alaska, and he was very good. He talked about not letting your dream die, which spoke right to me. I mean I feel called to ministry and the devil constantly puts doubt and fear in my head, so the sermon was awesome. Altar call came and he asked everyone to stand back a few steps and for people who felt called to ministry to step forward and before the pastors even laid hands on us I could feel the annointing. I absolutly love living in America where I have the freedom and the opportunity to expierence a Holy Ghost filled service and to be touched by His all powerful presence. Its truely like nothing else I could imagine.

Before we left they handed out these little note cards that had 101 things to do for God. Some of them are as little as praying everyday, or committing to listening to christian music for 90 days, but other ones were a little more complex like obey and respect your parents, make sure your modest before you walk out the door, or raise money for your youth group. As I'm reading through these I realize its not as difficult as it may seem and most of it I should do anyways, but I realized also that I usually don't:(

Do you ever feel like your not a good Christian? I do! Sometimes we don't even care if were being a "good Christian", but maybe our interpretation of a "good Christian" is misguided. Maybe its not about being perfect and doing every little thing were supposed to. Maybe its simply doing what we can and striving to do better.

You're blessed when you stay on course, walking steadily on the road revealed by God. You're blessed when you follow his directions, doing your best to find him. Psalms 119:1

With Love,

May 19, 2010

Little Sister

So here is the first to many blogs! I want to do this to show there is real ppl out here dealing with the same stuff! But instead of just going through the motions, Im ganna live a life thats something to talk about! Live life with Boldness and most importantly with God!
So lately my little sister, who is 15 has been pulling my chains. Im not sure why I let her bother me. Usually its little things like what Im wearing, or how weird I am bc I don't like the same music she does, or dont have a bf 24/7, or I actually want to go to church and usually I let it go through one ear and out the other, but lately it has been doing just the opposite! She's saying things that Im really insecure about and I dont know how to handle it, but with anything I don't know how to handle I fall on my knees and pray. You know what I realized, If I just keep living my life, as weird as it may seem to her now, one day she'll look up to me. Right now she's young and doesn't understand why I dont conform to this world, but listen here this world has nothing for me! All I need is in Him, and I pray she agree's with me one day <3
With love,